eyes - 50 Result(s)
  • Health risks from air pollution

    Health risks from air pollution

    April 19, 2017 10:10
    Air pollution can irritate the eyes, throat and lungs. It can seriously and adversely affect the health. Prolonged exposure can cause damage to the nervous system, digestive problems, and in some cases cause cancer.
  • Getting rid of dark circles

    Getting rid of dark circles

    July 29, 2010 13:42
    Dark circles around your eyes may be due to many reasons such as late nights, stress and allergies such as asthma or sneezing. Treatment of the cause is the best remedy for dark circles.
  • How to prevent eye infections?

    How to prevent eye infections?

    July 28, 2010 09:27
    An eye infection is usually caused by bacteria or a virus. Eye infections include styes, conjunctivitis, trachoma etc and can occur in any age group. Following simple hygiene tips like washing your eyes with fresh water frequently and not sharing personal items like towels, eyes drops, contact lenses, eye make-up etc can help prevent eye infections.

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