Fever Top Stories
Measles Outbreak In United States: Signs And Symptoms Of Measles To Look Out For
Mar 10, 2025 06:22 ISTMeasles Outbreak In United States: Mentioned below are three early signs and symptoms of measles. -
What Is Rabbit Fever? Is There A Surge In Cases?
Jan 7, 2025 03:37 ISTThe CDC report highlights a significant increase in "rabbit fever" cases within the United States over the last decade. In this article, we discuss the signs, causes and prevention tips for the rabbit fever. -
10 Foods You Must Eat During A Viral Fever
Dec 3, 2024 04:09 ISTBelow we share a list of foods you must have during a viral fever for better health. -
Can Dengue Cause Death? Understanding The Severe Risks Of Dengue Fever
Nov 5, 2024 04:51 ISTUnderstanding the warning signs and complications is crucial to prevent fatalities, particularly during dengue outbreaks. -
Parrot Fever Outbreak In Europe: Know Symptoms, Causes, Treatment And More
Mar 7, 2024 04:26 ISTParrot fever is caused by bacteria belonging to the Chlamydia family. As the name suggests, the disease is acquired from birds. -
Women's Health: Are You Prone To Fever During Menstruation? How Can We Prevent It?
Apr 19, 2023 04:25 ISTAlthough it isn't a real medical term, the phrase "period flu" accurately describes how some women feel during their period. -
Dengue Fever Prevention: Here's What You Should Do To Prevent Your Risk At Home
Sep 22, 2022 10:35 ISTDengue fever can cause high fever, severe joint pains and other symptoms. When at home, you can follow these precautions and safety measures to fight the risk of catching dengue. -
Nutritionist Shares Health Benefits Of Giloy Water
Aug 26, 2022 04:07 ISTIn the latest post in her Sip Of The Day series, nutritionist Lovneet Batra talks about the health benefits of Giloy water. -
Why Is There A Spike In Flu Viral? How Can We Protect Ourselves From It?
Aug 19, 2022 05:10 ISTHere's why there is a spike in the flu this season and how to prevent contracting it. -
How To Combat Dehydration This Summer: Symptoms And What To Do
Jun 7, 2022 11:17 ISTOne of the most common conditions caused in summer is dehydration. We will discuss the best ways to avoid dehydration and how to stay hydrated. -
What Is West Nile Fever? Know The Symptoms, Prevention And More
May 30, 2022 07:16 ISTWest Nile Fever: This virus has no vaccination or cures available currently. The symptoms can be managed and improved with the help of medications such as paracetamol or aspirin. -
Summer Diseases: 7 Common Diseases Summer Heat Might Cause & How To Prevent Them
May 23, 2022 03:38 ISTSummer Diseases: We discuss the 7 most common diseases you may be prone to during summer. Their causes and how to prevent them altogether. -
Dengue Fever: Signs And Symptoms To Watch Out For
Nov 5, 2021 09:58 ISTDengue Fever Symptoms and Warning Signs: Dengue fever can cause high fever, joint pain and other noticeable signs and symptoms. Read here to know the common signs and symptoms of dengue one shouln't miss. -
Parents, Safeguard Your Children From Dengue: Follow These Prevention Steps
Sep 7, 2021 02:44 ISTDengue, if not treated on time, can lead to complications. To avoid these, here are some safety measures that can help you protect your children from the onset of dengue fever. -
Typhoid Fever: Know Prevention Steps And Symptoms To Watch Out For
Aug 31, 2020 05:57 ISTTyphoid is caused by Salmonella Typhi. Contaminated water and food are leading causes of typhoid fever. Read here to know the symptoms and prevention steps you need to follow. -
Fever Management: 7 Tips To Effectively Manage Fever At Home
Aug 10, 2020 05:49 ISTFever management: Self-medication is not a recommended practice. However, when some people do, they don't realise the importance of right dosage and therefore tend to underdose. Read here to know more important tips on fever management. -
Home Care For Fever And When To Call A Doctor
Jun 24, 2020 03:22 ISTFever home care: If the fever is persistent, then the patient should get tested for coronavirus. Also, it is important to consult a doctor to find out what medication they need to take. -
Dengue Fever: Diet Tips For Fast Recovery From Dengue; Know Foods To Eat And Avoid
Sep 23, 2019 01:56 ISTA dengue patient is often advised to eat light for better digestion. Your diet can influence your progress of recovery from dengue. Here are some diet tips which you can follow for fast recovery from dengue. -
Dengue Fever Prevention: 7 Immunity-Boosting Foods That Can Help You Prevent Dengue
Sep 23, 2019 01:52 ISTDengue fever can be prevented with a strong immune system. Some foods can help you boost immunity naturally. Read here to know such foods rich in essential nutrients that aids in the functioning of the immune system. -
Dengue Fever: Rujuta Diwekar Suggests 5 Easy-To-Follow Tips For Dengue Prevention And Recovery
Sep 10, 2019 06:46 ISTDengue fever: For preventing dengue, make sure you keep yourself hydrated most of the times. Rujuta Diwekar says that a person is likely to catch the mosquito-borne infection because of poor immunity. Here are some tips for dengue fever treatment and recovery. -
Dengue Fever: 5 Effective Home Remedies For Dengue Fever You Must Try
Aug 30, 2019 04:30 ISTDengue fever can be effectively controlled with some simple remedies. These home remedies can help you improve your platelet count and immunity. Read here to know some simple remedies for dengue fever. -
With Dengue Cases On The Rise, Celeb Health Coach Luke Coutinho Suggests 10 Ways Which Can Help Cure This Viral Disease
Oct 24, 2018 04:12 ISTDengue is a mosquito borne viral infection. It affects millions of people every year and is widespread in India. Since, dengue fever is a viral infection you do not need medications for it. -
Top 5 Small But Effective Tips That Can Help Recover Dengue Fever Fast
Oct 24, 2018 03:19 ISTSome of the common symptoms of viral dengue fever include high fever, headache, body aches, weakness, joint pain, loss of appetite, cold and cough, nausea, vomiting and skin rashes and nose bleeding. -
Leptospirosis Kills 12 In Kerala: Here's How And All That You Need To Know
Sep 4, 2018 03:41 ISTFlood-hit Kerala is now facing the aftermath of the natural disaster. It is currently hit with leptospirosis or rat fever, which is a bacterial infection which spreads through the urine of infected animals. -
Under The Weather? Running Fever? We Have The Perfect List Of Foods To Eat And Avoid During Fever
Sep 3, 2018 12:04 ISTDiet for high fever: Fever is not a disease by itself, but a symptom produced in response to an inflammation or infection. Read here to know foods to eat and avoid in case of high fever. -
6 Things You Should Not Do When You Have A Cold
Jul 26, 2018 02:05 ISTColds are easy to catch, but they are downright frustrating and sickening. Here are six things you should never do, when suffering from a cold. -
Typhoid Fever: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments
Jul 26, 2018 09:45 ISTTyphoid usually spreads through human contact only. Once the bacteria enters the human body, it spreads to the intestines and enters thebloodstream as well. Here's what you need to know. -
Asthma And Hay Fever May Increase Your Risk Of Mental Disorders; Everything You Need To Know About Hay Fevers
Apr 25, 2018 03:12 ISTRecent studies warn that hay fevers and asthma are likely to increase your risk of mental disorders. Here's everything you need to know about hay fevers. -
Dengue Explosion: 650 New Cases Reported; Some Lesser Known Facts About Dengue
Oct 24, 2017 06:12 ISTDelhi witnesses 650 new cases of dengue in just one week, toll reaches an alarming 5870 mark. Take a look at the top unknown facts about dengue. -
Flood Borne Diseases: Symptoms To Watch Out For
Aug 31, 2017 10:23 ISTFlood water causes two main types of diseases namely food and water-borne diseases such as cholera, dysentery and leptospirosis, and insect-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis and yellow fever. Watch out for the symptoms. -
India Amongst 5 Countries With Highest Rheumatic Heart Disease Deaths
Aug 25, 2017 11:23 ISTRheumatic heart disease is a condition of damaged heart valves caused by bacterial infection that leads to rheumatic fever. -
Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Common Cold
Aug 24, 2017 08:42 ISTCold and cought does not spare anyone. Being sick, even when you are home can be troublesome and irritating. Body aches along with fever, sore throat, chills, and nasal congestion can be enough to make anyone feel miserable. There are a number of home remedies that can alleviate your symptoms and get you back to normal. -
Dengue And Viral Fever Upsurge In Kerala
Aug 22, 2017 02:09 ISTThere is a steady growth in viral fever and dengue cases in Kerala due to improper waste management and social hygiene. -
Kerala: Infectious Virus Continues To Claim Lives In The State
Jul 21, 2017 06:23 ISTAccording to the medical reports, raging viral fever in the state has claimed around 243 deaths in the past one and a half month. -
Fever During Pregnancy Might Elevate The Risk Of Autism In Children
Jun 16, 2017 03:55 ISTBeware would-be mommies! An episode of fever or flu during pregnancy is noted to raise the risk of autism by 40% in children. -
Dear Science: Why Do I Always Get Sick When The Seasons Change?
Oct 11, 2016 12:59 ISTQ: I'm so glad that it's finally fall - I love this weather. But as usual, I've got a cold. It seems like everyone gets sick as the seasons change. Is this true? Does "catching a chill" really make you sick, or is it something else? -
Unnecessary Platelet Transfusion Can Cause Harm: Experts
Sep 22, 2016 10:51 ISTUnnecessary platelet transfusion causes "harm" and puts dengue patients "at risk" of developing complications such as sepsis, say health experts. -
Yellow Fever Vaccination Drive In Congo's Capital Hits Target
Aug 27, 2016 03:31 ISTA vaccination campaign against yellow fever in Congo's capital is almost complete, but the gains may be reversed by the looming rainy season and the spread of the disease to areas where people have not yet been vaccinated, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday. -
Risk Of Fans Catching Dengue Fever At Rio Low: Study
Aug 10, 2016 11:34 ISTThe risk of sports fans catching dengue fever in the ongoing Rio Olympics in Brazil is extremely low, researchers say using a mathematical model. -
Surgery for hay fever shows promise
Oct 12, 2010 09:54 ISTRadiofrequency (RF) surgery appears to help people with hay fever when drugs fail - even up to five years after the procedure.