Cabbage helps in removing the toxins from the body because of the high amounts of vitamin C and sulphur present in them.

Cabbage can help you lose weight
- Cabbage is loaded with plenty of vitamins and minerals
- Consumption of cabbage will help you keep full for a longer time
- Vitamin C that is found in cabbage is necessary for collagen synthesis
Despite the wealth of nutrients, cabbage is often looked down upon. It looks like lettuce but it actually belongs to the Brassica genus of vegetables, which includes kale, cauliflower and broccoli. Cabbage has been grown all around the world for countless years and is found in a variety of shapes and colors, including green, white, red and purple. The leaves of this vegetable can either be smooth or wrinkled. The vegetable is loaded with plenty of vitamins and minerals. It is used in a number of dishes, but most commonly, it is included as either a cooked or raw part of many salads.
Also read: Leafy vegetables cut diabetes risk
According to the Delhi based nutritionist and author Pooja Malhotra, "cabbage is definitely an underrated green, leafy vegetable. There are myths surrounding this veggie that it is not good for patients suffering from thyroid. The risk of worm infestation also discourages many people from eating raw cabbage. Well cabbage is a nutritious vegetable." She further adds, it has got good amount of vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, folic acid and lots of fibre. The fibre helps to prevent constipation. The antioxidant polyphenols in cabbage fight cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It has also got a high glut amine content which is great for digestive health. Cabbage can be used to make fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut which are rich probiotics.
She concludes by saying; the humble and inexpensive cabbage deserves more attention.
(Pooja Malhotra is a Delhi based nutritionist and an author)
The following article uncovers 5 surprising health benefits of cabbage:
1. Promotes weight loss: Cabbage is an extremely reasonable vegetable which helps your body get all the essential nutrients.Consumption of cabbage will help you keep full for along time, so that you do not overeat in the next meal. When you eat cabbage you do not gain calories and hence is a must if you want to lose weight.
Also read: 5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Weight Loss

Consumption of cabbage will help you keep full for a longer time
Photo Credit: iStock
2. Brain food: Cabbage is rich in vitamin K, iodine and anthocyanins that will help brain function better. The wealth of nutrients in cabbage helps prevent neurological disorders like dementia, nerve damage and improving your defense against Alzheimer's disease. The highest amount of these nutrients are present in red cabbage.
3. Detoxifies the body: Cabbage helps in removing the toxins like free radicals and uric acid from the body because of the high amounts of vitamin C and sulphur present in them. The presence of these two important compounds, DIM and I-3-C helps in breaking down waste, and further helping the liver to process them.
4. Prevents cancer: As mentioned above, cabbage is rich in a compound called DIM, which helps in the breakdown of estrogen into less potent forms. Cabbage also possesses many anti-oxidants nutrients and various phytochemicals that reduces the impact of harmful waste material on healthy cells.
Also read: Breast Cancer: Everything You Need To Know

The green vegetable cabbage can prevent cancer
Photo Credit: iStock
5. Beneficial for skin: Vitamin C that is found in cabbage is necessary for collagen synthesis. Collagen is a protein essential for the overall health of the skin. Regular intake of cabbage can boost production of another protein called keratin, especially concentrated in nails and hair. Deficiency of this protein will lead to deterioration of these proteins and make you look older than you actually are.
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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