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Star Anise Health Benefits: 10 Reasons Why Luke Coutinho Swears By Star Anise

Benefits of star anise: Health coach Luke Coutinho believes that including star anise in your diet is an apt way for boosting immunity. Know the amazing health benefits of star anise here.

Star Anise Health Benefits: 10 Reasons Why Luke Coutinho Swears By Star Anise

Star anise in the diet can help in boosting immunity


  1. Star anise is rich in fibre and can prevent constipation
  2. Star anise is rich in iron and helps in production of red blood cells
  3. Anethole in star anise has antifungal and insect repellant properties

Star anise or chakr phul is a spice which is immensely popular because of its unique flavour and numerous health benefits. Some health benefits of star anise include preventing constipation, assisting lactation, easing symptoms of menopause, promoting blood formation, improving bone and skin and health and much more. Health coach Luke Coutinho believes that including star anise in your diet is an apt way for boosting immunity. He recently shared his own article on Facebook, in which he has spoken about numerous health benefits of star anise and its nutrient content. Star anise is an important ingredient in medicines that are made for treating coughs, colds, virals and influenza. It is rich in Vitamin B, C and A, all of which have immune boosting properties. Furthermore, star anise has antioxidants which help in repair recovery of the body more effectively and quickly.

Also read: 8 Spices That Will Help You Stay Away From Diseases In Winter

Read below to know some amazing health benefits of star anise you cannot miss:

1. It helps in preventing constipation

While the spice is used in moderation and is rarely used in high quantities, it is rich in fibre and may help in preventing constipation. Fibre bulks up in the colon along the intestinal tract and attracts water, thus preventing constipation.

Also read: 8 Foods That Cause Constipation For Sure

2. It is good for bones

Star anise is rich in calcium. Deficiency of calcium in the body can result in conditions like osteoporosis and loss of bones. Calcium intake is important for menopausal women as they are more prone to risks of falls and fractures.


Calcium in star anise can help in prevention of osteoporosis
Photo Credit: iStock

3. Eases symptoms of menopause

Oestrogen levels in women drop significantly when they are going through menopause. This results in extreme symptoms like hot flashes and frequent mood swings. Consuming foods which have oestrogenic properties such as star anise can be helpful in managing symptoms in menopausal women. You can add the spice in baked desserts or add it to your tea. It makes menopausal symptoms much less unpleasant.

Also read: Are You Pregnant Or Is It Menopause? Know The Difference

4. It is good for anaemics

Star anise is extremely rich in iron and is thus great for people suffering with anaemia. The spice helps in production of more red blood cells. It also helps in improving blood circulation in the body.

5. It helps initiate sleep

Star anise helps in modulating levels of neurotransmitters and hormones in the body, which result in mild sedative actions. In case you are experiencing disturbed sleep of late, try adding star anise in your tea. It will help in initiating sleep and improving sleep quality.


Star anise can help in improving the sleep quality
Photo Credit: iStock

6. Improves lactation

Star anise can be helpful in improving lactation in nursing mothers who are unable to produce enough breastmilk. This is common among mothers who gave birth to their first child and those who delivered via caesarean section. Anethole in star anise helps in increasing milk production in lactating mothers.

7. Acts as a mosquito repellent

Anethole is a compound found in star anise which acts like an insecticide both outside and when ingested. Consumption of star anise prevents bites from mosquitoes and other insects. People living in tropical areas benefit from consumption of star anise as it make them insect proof. It is also an effective way to keep dengue and malaria at bay.

mosquito repellant

Star anise acts as a mosquito repellent and can prevent dengue
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: 8 Best Natural Mosquito Repellents

8. Helps in dealing with flu

Star anise is full of antioxidants which help in boosting immunity and reduces risks of infections and diseases. Shikimic acid in the spice helps in reducing risks of flu effectively. The acid is an essential ingredient in flu vaccine Tamiflu.

9. It has antifungal properties

Anethole compound has antifungal properties. It is because of this that the spice can be used topically to treat skin infections. The spice is known to inhibit excess growth and multiplication of fungal organisms in the body.

10. It is good for the skin

Vitamin C and Vitamin A in star anise make it a good spice for the skin. Vitamin C aids production of collagen, which helps preventing premature ageing and . Vitamin A reduces damage caused to the skin because of exposure to UV rays of the sun. Vitamin C minimises scarring because of acne and stretch marks.


Vitamin C in star anise can help in diminishing scarring due to acne

Also read: Here's How Bearded Men Are Protected From Skin Cancer: Facial Hair Protects You Against UV Rays

So, include this wonder spice in your diet today and experience these wonderful health benefits!

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Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.


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