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Are You Trying To Lose Weight? Top 5 Weight Loss Myths Busted

Losing weight can be a challenging task and requires constant effort and patience. The best way to lose weight is gradually making small changes to your eating and exercise habits and focusing on achieving those goals.

Are You Trying To Lose Weight? Top 5 Weight Loss Myths Busted

Are you trying to lose weight but finding it difficult?


  1. The best way to lose weight is gradually making small changes
  2. Moderation is the key when you eat your favourite foods
  3. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye grains

Are you trying to lose weight but finding it difficult? We have all the answers to your questions. So much has been said about losing weight that it can be hard for us to believe what actually holds true. It may be because you are  believing some common misconceptions about weight loss. Losing weight can be a challenging task and requires constant effort and patience. The best way to lose weight is gradually making small changes to your eating and exercise habits and focusing on achieving those goals. However, the first and foremost tool to lose weight is regular physical exercise and a balanced diet (a healthy diet which comprises all the essential nutrients).

Also read: These 25 Whole Foods Are All You Need For Quick Weight Loss


However, the first and foremost tool to lose weight is regular physical exercise and a balanced diet
Photo Credit: iStock

Have a look at top weight loss myths:

Myth 1: Avoid carbohydrates:

Reality: One has to be careful as to what carbohydrates one is including in his or her diet. Unhealthy carbohydrates like potato chips, candies, burgers, pizza and other sugary stuff should be strictly avoided. On the other hand, healthy carbohydrate-rich foods, such as vegetables (including beans and peas), fruits and whole grains, is the foundation of healthy eating patterns. Therefore, including them in your diet will do never harm you.

Myth 2: Starving can help you lose weight:

Reality: The first and the basic rule to lose weight is you should never skip meals. Skipping meals just makes your body try to hold onto fuel more efficiently by slowing down your metabolism. It also triggers overeating (generally the unhealthy foods) later in the day.

Also read: Top 5 Reasons Of Unexplained Weight Loss You Must Be Aware Of

Myth 3: Avoid fats:

Reality: Again the same rule as carbohydrates, all fats are not bad. Fats are a vital part of the human body and should not be eliminated from your diet. Avoiding fats will not lead to weight loss. Healthy fats like nuts and seeds, yogurt, olive oil, avocados, cheese and full-fat milk can be included in your diet.


Fats are a vital part of the human body and should not be eliminated from your diet.
Photo Credit: iStock

Myth 4: You have to give up all your favorite foods:

Reality: If you think you have to give up on all your favorite foods when you are trying to lose weight, you are wrong. Small amounts of your favorite high-calorie foods can be a part of your weight-loss plan. Ensure that you keep a track of the total calories you take in. Also, moderation is the key when you eat your favourite foods. Once in a blue moon, you can give a treat to yourself.

Myth 5: Opt for a gluten-free diet:

Reality: Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye grains. A gluten-free diet plan is generally prescribed to treat people who have celiac disease or are sensitive to gluten. If you don't have these health problems but avoid gluten anyway, you may not get enough vitamins, fiber, and minerals you need. A gluten-free diet is not a weight-loss diet and is not intended to help you shed those extra kilos. 

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Also read: Want To Lose Weight Quickly ? Include These 25 Fiber-Rich Foods In Your Diet For A Healthy Weight Loss

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