Let us have a look at some protein-rich foods which will help you lose weight quickly. Even better these foods are inexpensive.

Eating healthy and nutritious foods is extremely important in all walks of life.
- Your diet plays in an important role in the overall health of the body
- One of the most inexpensive food on the planet is eggs
- The primary group of proteins that milk contains is the caseins
We always think eating healthy requires extra expenditure. Well, that is not is the case. Some cheap and easily available foods are also nutritious and everyone can easily include them in your diet. Eating healthy and nutritious foods is extremely important in all walks of life. Therefore, one should not compromise on diet. Your diet plays an important role in the overall health of the body. It can help you stay healthy, protect you from numerous illnesses, boost your immunity and also help in weight management. You should focus on fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, carbohydrates, proteins and healthy nuts and seeds. In the following article, let us look at some cheap and nutritious protein-rich foods which should be in your grocery list.

A healthy diet can help you stay healthy, protect you from numerous illnesses, boost your immunity and also help in weight management.
Photo Credit: iStock
Also read: Here's A List Of Foods Rich In Complete Protein Which Will Help You Lose Weight
List of protein-rich foods which can help you lose weight:
1. Eggs
One of the most easily available and inexpensive food on the planet is eggs. Whole eggs can easily be incorporated into a balanced diet. Extremely nutritious, delicious and versatile, they can be added to many meals. Apart from proteins, they are rich in other vitamins, like B-2, and B-12, which are important for energy and red blood cells. Even the yolk of the egg contains many nutrients and is healthy. It contains healthy fats and cholesterol. Therefore, eggs are super healthy and must be a part of your daily diet.
Also read: Try These Homemade Protein-Rich Shakes For Quick Weight Loss
2. Lentils
Lentils are again inexpensive and a versatile food. Though not rich in proteins when eaten with a combination of rice they make a superb source of protein. Along with some proteins they also contain dietary fiber and folate. Lentils like beans, kidney beans and chickpeas can be easily incorporated into your daily diet.
3. Milk
The primary group of proteins that milk contains is the caseins. All the other proteins found in milk are grouped together under whey proteins. Caseins have an appropriate amino acid composition which is essential for growth and development. Therefore, do not miss to have glass of milk everyday. You can even add milk to your smoothies.

All the other proteins found in milk are grouped together under whey proteins.
Photo Credit: iStock
4. Yoghurt
Yogurt is another protein-rich food which is extremely nutritious and delicious. It is a nutrient-dense food that contains protein, calcium, Vitamin D and potassium. Yoghurt is great for digestion and even better it contains no fat and cholesterol. Eating yogurt each day will help you achieve your daily recommended protein intake. You can add yoghurt to your smoothies or even with nuts like walnuts.
5. Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese is packed with protein and is reasonably cheap. Moreover, cottage cheese is rich in calcium which helps in maintaining bone health. You can easily add cottage cheese in your diet. Add it to your salads, vegetables, soups or you can even eat a slice of cottage cheese as an evening snack.
6. Chickpeas
Chickpeas are an amazing source of protein that can be easily included in your daily diet. Moreover, chickpeas are good for digestion, weight management and even help in lowering your cholesterol.

Chickpeas are good for digestion, weight management and even help in lowering your cholesterol.
Photo Credit: iStock
Also read: Plant Vs Animal Protein: Which One Is Better? Top Proteins That Help In Quick Weight Loss
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