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Skincare Tips: 10 Common Mistakes You Need To Avoid During Lockdown

Skincare tips: Hydrate yourself through the day, as water helps to get rid of toxins in the body. Most people don't drink water on a regular basis, and this causes acne.

Skincare Tips: 10 Common Mistakes You Need To Avoid During Lockdown

Sleeping well is important if you want to have a glowing skin


  1. Avoid eating junk food
  2. Do not use harsh soaps on your skin
  3. Nourish the skin with a face pack once a week

During the lockdown we almost neglect to care for our skin. This is the time it needs unique care and attention. We generally forget that our skin is exposed to the summer heat and dust even if we are sitting at our home. And, because we all indoors in AC rooms most of the time, it may just make things even worse. Some people are observing a skin breakout and many other skin problems during the lockdown.

Here are some skincare mistakes that you must avoid during lockdown

1. During this time of changing weather, heat and warm weather tends to aggravate dry skin, and especially in low humidity conditions. Going outdoors under the harsh sunlight has become minimal these days, still drying of skin is unavoidable.

Also read: Vitamin C Serum And 8 Other Skincare Tips For Women Above 40, By Dermatologist

2. Hydrate yourself through the day, as water helps to get rid of toxins in the body. Most people don't drink water on a regular basis, and this also causes acne.

3. Stop washing your face with any soap. Always use a good face wash to clean your skin. It removes dirt from the surface of the skin and keeps the face fresh, and will not dry out the skin as soaps do.


Wash your face with a good quality face wash
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Don't eat any kind of junk food. Always take a healthy diet, exercise, hydrate yourself at regular intervals, sleep well and have foods which are rich in vitamin D. So that it can keep your skin acne free.

Also read: Diet For Acne: Our Expert Shares 4 Time-Tested And Effective Ways To Prevent Acne

5. Even if we are confined to our house, we still need to follow a dedicated skincare regime for the nourishment of our skin. Nourish the skin with a face pack once a week and follow a nightly cleansing ritual every day. These are important for a glowing and healthy skin.

6. We should stop using the wrong chemical products on your skin. If anybody suffers from dry skin conditions, it is mandatory to use products that are suitable for the skin type.

7. Wash your face regularly. Sitting at home does not mean that we do not need to wash our face. In this scorching heat, it makes us sweat and the dust clog the pores on the skin surface. So, it is always necessary to keep your face clean and fresh. Wash your face properly twice a day.

Also read: Skin Care Tips: Reasons Why You Should Clean Your Makeup Brushes Regularly

8. But do not wash your face harshly. Splash some water on the face if you feel tired or hot. This will keep the facial skin free of excess oil, sweat and bacteria and it rescues acne and pimples like skin problems.

9. Always use moisturizer especially at these times when there are high chances of dry skin. Use moisturizer 2-3 times a day.

10. In this lockdown sleeping habits of all of us have become irregular. For a healthy and glowing skin, Proper sleep is essential. Avoid waking up till late at night. Get a good sleep for at least 8 to 10 hours every night. This will bring a youthful glow to the skin.

(Dr. Ajay Rana, is a Dermatologist and Aesthetic Physician. He is also the Founder, Director of ILAMED)

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