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7 Common Causes For Preterm Labour Every Woman Should Know

Labour is called premature when it starts at least 3 weeks before your due date. While doctors can do to postpone an early delivery, there are high chances that preterm labour can lead to an early birth.

7 Common Causes For Preterm Labour Every Woman Should Know

Being underweight or overweight can lead to preterm labour


  1. Increased amniotic fluid in the womb can lead to preterm labour
  2. Pregnant women should get their medical check-ups regularly
  3. Women suffering from prolonged sickness are more prone to preterm labour

Preterm labour, also known as premature labour, is a condition where the body begins to get ready for birth before the due time in pregnancy. Labour is called premature when it starts at least 3 weeks before your due date. While doctors can do to postpone an early delivery, there are high chances that preterm labour can lead to an early birth. Children born out of preterm labour are usually weak and often grow with a weaker immunity for their entirely lives.

Here are some of the common causes of preterm labour which every woman know:

1) Water break

Water breaking is one of the most common causes of premature labour. Water breaks in the breaking of sac membrane of the womb, when the amniotic fluid leaks from the cervix and vagina. Visiting the hospital is an immediate requirement on breaking of the water. Women must also check for changes in vaginal discharge or presence of mucus in discharge.

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2) Polyhydramnios

Polyhydramnios is a situation when the amniotic fluid in the womb increases more than normal. This usually happens in 30 weeks of the 40 week long pregnancy. Ultrasound scanning helps in diagnosing the level of amniotic fluid in the womb. Any increase or decrease in amniotic fluid can lead to premature labour.

3) Infections

Pregnant women are more prone to infections than others. Vaginal infections, urinary tract infections or urinary area infections all lead to preterm labour. Hence, continuous monitoring and medical check-ups are a must throughout pregnancy.

4) Irregularities in uterus

There are some women who experience abnormalities in the structure and shape of the womb. For these women, carrying the baby in the womb for 9 months becomes more difficult than usual and hence they are more prone to preterm labour.

Also read: Your Body Weight Can Affect Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

5) Being underweight/overweight

Underweight or overweight women are more prone to preterm labour. Hence, managing weight during pregnancy is of utmost importance. Exercising, healthy food and lots of water intake are essential requirements even during pregnancy.

6) Prolonged sickness

Women who suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease or blood clotting, etc. are more likely to have preterm labour. These diseases can affect both the mother and the baby. These women need extra care and medication during the third trimester of their pregnancy.

7) Cervical inability

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If the mother's womb is weak, the baby tries to come before the due date. While doctors try to fix this situation through medication, there are chances that a growing baby creates too much pressure on the cervix. The situation triggers and causes preterm labour. 

Also read: How To Get Pregnant If You Have PCOD?


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