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World Vegetarian Day 2017: Live Longer With Carrots And Cucumber!

The first of October is celebrated as World Vegetarian Day and the entire month is observed internationally as the month for spreading awareness on why you should take up a vegetarian diet. This World Vegetarian Day, be proud of vegetarianism and live longer and healthier with vegetarian food.

World Vegetarian Day 2017: Live Longer With Carrots And Cucumber!

World Vegetarian Day: Live longer with a healthier vegetarian diet


  1. The first of October is celebrated as World Vegetarian Day
  2. Vegetarians do not fall short of any minerals or nutrients
  3. Vegetarians had a 12% lower risk of early death

The World Vegetarian Day is here! The first of October is celebrated as World Vegetarian Day and the entire month is observed internationally as the month for spreading awareness on why you should take up a vegetarian diet. With vegetarianism, a never-ending debate begins if vegetarians are healthier than non vegetarians or are they missing out on a lot of essential nutrients. Well, it's high time to debunk all myths about being a vegetarian. To begin with, understand the fact that vegetarians do not fall short of any minerals or nutrients as long as they are on a balanced diet.

Also read: Word Vegetarian Day 2017: Top 5 Health Reasons To Go Vegetarian

Fruits and veggies are good enough to make up for the body's requirements. Moreover, going vegetarian gives you a longer life. Curious, isn't it? Let's find out how.

1. Lower blood pressure

Researchers have proved that vegetarians have a controlled blood pressure and for those whose blood pressure is not under control, going vegetarian is the solution.

2. Low risk of death and heart disease

A study conducted in 2013 showed that vegetarians had a 12% lower risk of early death as compared to non vegetarians. Vegetarian food does not carry saturated fats and cholesterol which can block the arteries leading to heart problems. Hence, vegetarians are at a lower risk of being affected by chronic diseases.

3. Lower risk of cancer

Vegetarians, more specifically vegans, are said to be at a lower risk of cancer altogether. It is said to have protective benefits and protects people against cancer, especially in women.

4. It is slimming

A lot of chronic diseases come with being overweight. But by being vegetarian, you lower your chances of gaining weight. Vegetarians have a lower BMI. Going vegetarian will keep you from putting on those extra and unwanted pounds and also help you in maintaining the same overtime.

Also read: How To Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

5. You will be able to abstain from all unhealthy habits

"Vegetarians and vegans often choose this way of eating for health reasons and are more likely to adopt other healthy lifestyle choices such as avoiding smoking, drinking less and exercising more which can positively affect long-term health," says Rob Hobson, nutritionist at Healthspan. Abstaining from all such unhealthy habits will eventually promote a longer and better life, certainly better than a life of being affected by chronic diseases.

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This World Vegetarian Day, ditch those meats that you have loved for so long. Be proud of vegetarianism and live longer and healthier with vegetarian food. 


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