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Tips for healthy eyes

  • Keep your blood sugar levels and blood pressure under control as these can cause permanent damage to the eyes.

    Keep your blood sugar levels and blood pressure under control as these can cause permanent damage to the eyes.

  • If you put eye makeup, then make sure that you remove the eye makeup before sleeping.

    If you put eye makeup, then make sure that you remove the eye makeup before sleeping.

  • Always read in sufficient light. Dim light might make it difficult for the eyes to focus, which can cause short-term eye fatigue. Challenging visual work, such as reading in insufficient light, can also lead to short-term drying of eyes because you blink less often.

    Always read in sufficient light. Dim light might make it difficult for the eyes to focus, which can cause short-term eye fatigue. Challenging visual work, such as reading in insufficient light, can also lead to short-term drying of eyes because you blink less often.

  • If you wear contact lenses, regular aftercare check-ups are vital to ensure your lenses remain comfortable and your eyes stay healthy. Always keep your lenses clean and moist.

    If you wear contact lenses, regular aftercare check-ups are vital to ensure your lenses remain comfortable and your eyes stay healthy. Always keep your lenses clean and moist.

  • Talk to your eye-specialist about any hereditary disorders and family history of diseases. Undergo periodic eye check-ups at least once in a year.

    Talk to your eye-specialist about any hereditary disorders and family history of diseases. Undergo periodic eye check-ups at least once in a year.

  • Additionally, you should also take out time for some eye exercises to strengthen your eye muscles.

    Additionally, you should also take out time for some eye exercises to strengthen your eye muscles.

  • Follow proper reading positions so that you dont strain your eyes. It is always advisable to have a proper distance and position while watching TV so that you dont end up with tired and strained eyes.

    Follow proper reading positions so that you don't strain your eyes. It is always advisable to have a proper distance and position while watching TV so that you don't end up with tired and strained eyes.

  • Eye care is better than eye cure. Avoid using old or contaminated eye-drops as it can damage your eyes.

    Eye care is better than eye cure. Avoid using old or contaminated eye-drops as it can damage your eyes.

  • Wear sunglasses to screen out UV rays and dust to protect your eyes.

    Wear sunglasses to screen out UV rays and dust to protect your eyes.

  • You should sleep for about 8 hours in order to have healthy eyes.

    You should sleep for about 8 hours in order to have healthy eyes.

  • Smokers are up to three times more likely to develop cataracts than non-smokers - another good reason to quit.

    Smokers are up to three times more likely to develop cataracts than non-smokers - another good reason to quit.

  • Take short, frequent breaks from the computer to prevent eyestrain and tiredness.

    Take short, frequent breaks from the computer to prevent eyestrain and tiredness.

  • Diet plays a very important role in the health of the body and the eyes. A diet consisting of healthy foods that supply vitamins and other nutrients to the body that will help in keeping the eyes healthy and working well.

    Diet plays a very important role in the health of the body and the eyes. A diet consisting of healthy foods that supply vitamins and other nutrients to the body that will help in keeping the eyes healthy and working well.

  • Carrots contain high concentration of vitamin A, which protects the eyes and allows them to function efficiently. Lack of vitamin A can lead to vision problems including glaucoma, night blindness and short sightedness that sometimes can be serious.

    Carrots contain high concentration of vitamin A, which protects the eyes and allows them to function efficiently. Lack of vitamin A can lead to vision problems including glaucoma, night blindness and short sightedness that sometimes can be serious.

  • Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which protect your eyes from inflammatory disorders, infections, early formation of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and corneal ulcers.

    Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which protect your eyes from inflammatory disorders, infections, early formation of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and corneal ulcers.

  • Green vegetables are one of the best foods for the eyes as they are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, known as nutrients shown to reduce macular deterioration and cataracts, two age-related eye problems.

    Green vegetables are one of the best foods for the eyes as they are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, known as nutrients shown to reduce macular deterioration and cataracts, two age-related eye problems.

  • Vitamin A deficiency is one of the major causes of childhood blindness in developing nations. Papaya contains beta-carotene, which keeps your eyes healthy.

    Vitamin A deficiency is one of the major causes of childhood blindness in developing nations. Papaya contains beta-carotene, which keeps your eyes healthy.

  • Vitamin E is one of the most potent anti-oxidant for the eyes. Nuts and cod-liver oil are a good source of Vitamin E.

    Vitamin E is one of the most potent anti-oxidant for the eyes. Nuts and cod-liver oil are a good source of Vitamin E.

  • Dairy products such as yoghurt, milk, cheese etc. contain minerals like zinc, which helps the production of melanin, a protective eye pigment.

    Dairy products such as yoghurt, milk, cheese etc. contain minerals like zinc, which helps the production of melanin, a protective eye pigment.

  • Studies have recommended that eating fish three times a week can decrease the risk of rising the age related disease by up to 50%.

    Studies have recommended that eating fish three times a week can decrease the risk of rising the age related disease by up to 50%.

  • Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamin A which is important for healthy eyes. It also contains vitamin E to protect eyes from damage caused by free radicals.

    Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamin A which is important for healthy eyes. It also contains vitamin E to protect eyes from damage caused by free radicals.

  • Almonds and most other nuts are a great source of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that is particularly potent in the eyes. This vitamin is an anti-carcinogenic and helps to prevent the formation of cataracts.

    Almonds and most other nuts are a great source of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that is particularly potent in the eyes. This vitamin is an anti-carcinogenic and helps to prevent the formation of cataracts.

  • Lentils (<i>tur dal</i> and <i>masur dal</i>) help maintain optimum eye-health and vision.

    Lentils (tur dal and masur dal) help maintain optimum eye-health and vision.

  • Healthy foods that supply important vitamins like pumpkins, carrots etc. and other nutrients to the body will help in keeping the eyes healthy and working well.

    Healthy foods that supply important vitamins like pumpkins, carrots etc. and other nutrients to the body will help in keeping the eyes healthy and working well.

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