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Small Changes To Stay Young Forever

Prevent wrinkles to develop on your skin by changing some everyday habits which are possibly making your ageing clock tick faster.

Small Changes To Stay Young Forever

Prevent wrinkles from your body by bringing some lifestyle changes


  1. Cut your everyday caffeine intake to prevent wrinkles
  2. Sleep for around 5-6 hours to prevent pre-mature ageing
  3. Take adequate amount of water to stay young and healthy

Ageing is a natural process and you really can't stop your ageing clock but you can definitely prevent the signs of ageing and look young for a long time. Contrary to the general belief, this doesn't require you to get yourself under sharp knives or get some expensive surgeries done. You can stay young and healthy by simply bringing some changes in your everyday habits and lifestyle pattern. Studies have shown that you can prolong your young and natural glow up to 40-50 years by drinking adequate amount of water on everyday basis and keeping an eye on what you eat, inhale and consume.

Here are some everyday habits which helps you age gracefully and also keeps you healthy for a long time-

1. Cut the intake of Caffeine on everyday basis

Excessive caffeine intake on everyday basis makes you lethargic and also leads to weight gain and obesity. More than 2-3 cups of tea or coffee on daily basis can distort your body's rejuvenation mechanism and ultimately makes you look older to your actual age. Cut short of your daily caffeine intake to stay young and happy.

decrease in caffeine intake coffee tea

Photo Credit: iStock

2. Drink Lots of water and keep yourself hydrated

Drinking lots of water on everyday basis not only catalyzes the metabolic process of your body but also detoxifies your blood. This helps in getting rid of dead skin cells and staying young forever.

drink water on an empty stomach every morning

Photo Credit: iStock

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3. Don't mess with your sleeping routine

Sleeping for around 5-6 hours every day boosts your memory and improves digestion. This leads to quick reproduction of dead cells and wards off ugly looking lines and wrinkles from your face.


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4. Choose a non-toxic moisturizer for your skin

To have a healthy and flawless skin, you should improve both your internal body mechanism and your outer body mechanism. Best way to keep your skin hydrated and soft is by choosing a non-toxic moisturizer which also suits your skin type. Hence, one should be mindful of the moisturizer we choose for ourselves, if we wish to stay young for a long time.

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5. Fill your plates with anti-oxidant rich food

Keeping a track of your daily food intake is essential to stay young and healthy but it is also important for you to fill your dinner plate with food rich in anti-oxidants with vitamin-'C', 'E' and 'A' along with beta carotene. It is advisable to keep your plates colorful with food items like spinach, carrots, tomato, peas etc. Adequate amount of anti-oxidant in your diet helps you prevent external bacterial attack and keeps you young and healthy for a long time.

Also Read Points to Keep In Mind While Buying A Skin Moisturizer

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