It is time to start keeping bright and beautiful plants around you instead of crowding your bedroom with artificial stuff. Learn why these plants belong in your bedroom.

Keeping plants indoors have many health benefits
- Keeping plants indoors provide you with health benefits
- Lavender calms heart rate and also lowers blood pressure and stress
- Snake plant improves indoor air quality and improve sleep pattern

Keeping plants indoors have many health benefits
Photo Credit: istock
1. Jasmine
Jasmine is said to have a soothing effect on the mind, studies show that this plant helped in reducing anxiety levels. Following up on this, a deep and sound sleep makes you alert and more productive for the day. The pleasant scent of this plant makes it a highly desirable plant for your bedroom.

Jasmine improves sleep quality
Photo Credit: istock
Lavender is the most popular plant for inducing sleep and dipping anxiety levels. Research has it, lavender calms heart rate and also lowers blood pressure and stress. Moreover, its scent is known for helping babies sleep better and also reduces stress in both mother and child. That is good news for all moms. It is the plant that helps you sleep better.

Lavender helps babies sleep for longer
Photo Credit: istock
This plant for your bedroom is a must keep. Snake plant is hardy and easy to care for plant. It is one of the most recommended plants for improving indoor air quality. The best part about this plant is that it omits oxygen at night while taking back carbon dioxide. Better quality air to breathe in, better quality sleep you get. Another counterpart of the snake plant is the Spider plant. It also possesses air cleansing properties but this one is capable of killing 90% of cancer-causing chemicals around us.

Snake plants improves indoor air quality
Photo Credit: istock
Bamboo palm, A.K.A, reed palm is an air purifier and an air freshener too. So no need to fill up your house with chemical-based air fresheners, just a bamboo palm in your house would be good enough. And yes, who doesn’t like to sleep in a minty fresh room. So this is a must keep plant for your bedroom.

Bamboo palms have air freshening properties
Photo Credit: istock
Peace lilies are amazing air cleaners, just as good as snake plants. Peace lily is a plant that helps you sleep better. It increases room humidity by 5%. It is good for room humidity to be high because it prevents dry skin and hair, also it improves breathing. You need not worry if it will thrive inside the bedroom or not, just a little light and watering once a week and it will live well in your room.

Peace lilies increase air humidity by 5%
Photo Credit: istock
There are others plants which are as beneficial and these include Aloe Vera, Fikus, Ivy and spider plant as these produce high levels of oxygen and don't need too much sunlight.
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