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Health Expert Luke Coutinho Tells Us How This Lifestyle Change Can Help In Weight Loss!

Luke Coutinho in his recent live Facebook video addresses the issue of eating late dinners and how it adversely affects our bodies. Make this lifestyle change now and see the change within yourself.

Health Expert Luke Coutinho Tells Us How This Lifestyle Change Can Help In Weight Loss!

Many people think that skipping dinner can aid in weight loss.


  1. Late night dinners might take a toll on your body
  2. Eating dinner on time and going to bed early is related to heart health
  3. Eating late and heavy meals can also interfere with your sleep patterns

Do you eat late night dinners? It might take a toll on your body. Luke Coutinho in his recent live Facebook video addresses the issue of eating late dinners and how it adversely affects our bodies. Whether your goal is losing weight, body fat or detoxifying the body eating early dinners can make a significant impact on your life. To keep your body fit and healthy, skipping your meals might not be a wise option, especially at night. Many people think that skipping dinner can aid in weight loss. When you skip a meal, the body starts to crave for food, thus making you overeat whenever you eat. Having an early dinner offers several health benefits. It helps you to lead a better lifestyle and will have a positive impact on your overall health. It's never too late to make a lifestyle change. If you eat late night dinner, it is time you think over it and try eat early dinners. If you eat your dinner at nine in the night try eating at eight and then gradually at seven in the evening.


Do you eat late night dinner?
Photo Credit: iStock

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Also, another important thing that Luke Coutinho mentions in his video is that people generally change the time of their meals. When people have to go for dinner, they will eat supper late at night. When they have to go to for lunch, they will eat later during the day. However, this should not be done as it effects your health.

Here's how eating early dinners can help you lose weight:

1. Weight loss:

If you want to shed those extra kilos the first thing that you need to do is have an early dinner. When you eat early dinners you can eat what you like, even if it is high in calories or healthy fats. You can take a walk post dinner to burn the excess calories that you have consumed. This is one trick that will help you lose weight.


If you want to shed those extra kilos the first thing that you need to do is have an early dinner.
Photo Credit: iStock

2. Heartburn:

Heartburn is a burning sensation in your chest. This condition may worsen when you bend or lie down. One way to avoid heartburn, is to avoid late night dinners. Also, if you eat heavy meals or unhealthy fats in your dinner it can lead to digestive health issues like acidity, bloating or vomiting. Eating earlier allows your body to digest food properly and lowers the risk of these digestive disorders. Also, if you are prone to some digestive disorders you should go for light meals like soups, salads or toast.

2. Keeps you energetic:

Eating throughout the day, starting with a protein-rich breakfast, balanced and nutritious lunch and early dinner keeps you active throughout the day, enhances your mood and improves brain function. Postponing meals or irregular meal timings, on the other hand, can make you feel inactive, lowers your blood sugar levels, exhaustion, low mood and a hefty appetite. To avoid these risks, aim for balanced meals and snacks at regular time intervals. Better sleep derived from earlier dinners also promotes positive daytime energy, making it easier to exercise and manage your weight. These attributes also play an important role in maintaining optimum energy levels.

Also read: Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? Celeb Health Coach Luke Coutinho Suggests 7 Ways To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

3. Healthy heart:

Eating dinner on time and going to early is closely related to heart health. The other benefit of eating dinner early is a lower risk of heart diseases like heart attack and stroke. When you start changing your dinner timings you might feel hungry even after dinner, just when you are about to go to bed. But you should not grab a snack when you feel hungry. It is just a matter of developing the habit of eating early and within a couple of days your body will get used to it.

4. Better sleep:

Eating late and heavy meals can also interfere with your sleep patterns. Avoid eating heavy and unhealthy meals before going to bed as it can also make sleeping difficult. On the other hand, light and early meals will ensure sound sleep.


Eating late and heavy meals can also interfere with your sleep patterns.
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Health Coach Luke Coutinho Suggests Some Ways By Which You Can Sail Through Menopause

(Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach - Integrative Medicine)

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