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Eggs Health Benefits: Nutritionist Separates Fact From Fiction About Eggs

Eggs for weight loss: Recent research has shown that most of the cholesterol in the body is made by our liver, and not the food we eat, says nutritonist Pooja Makhija.

Eggs Health Benefits: Nutritionist Separates Fact From Fiction About Eggs

Weight loss tips: Eggs are supremely versatile and weight loss-friendly


  1. Eggs are one of the best food sources of protein
  2. They are rich in Vitamin A, B and D
  3. Eggs can be included in weight loss diet

Eggs are undoubtedly one of the healthiest foods in existence. They are rich in protein, good fats, iron, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. Eggs are also the perfect diet food. They can be the perfect inclusion in keto diet, a diet which promises to offer quick weight loss benefits. However, many believe that eggs can contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels and are probably bad for heart health. Is this really true? Separating fact from fiction about eggs is nutritionist Pooja Makhija on Instagram.

Are eggs really bad for health?

In her IGTV, Makhija talks about how until a few years ago, we were told that cholesterol in the egg yolks are bad for heart health. But, this may be far from truth.

Also read: Brown Bread, Brown Rice, Brown Sugar & Brown Eggs: Nutritionist Decodes The Reality

"Recent research has shown that most of the cholesterol in the body is made by our liver, and not the food we eat. The liver is stimulated to make cholesterol primarily by saturated fats and trans fats in our diet, and not from the dietary sources," Makhija explains in the video.

One large egg contains 1.5 gms of saturated fat. Of course, what matters is what you eat along with eggs. "If you add cheese, butter, bacon, sausages or muffins, it will contribute to an increase your cholesterol levels much more than the cholesterol in eggs," says Makhija.


It is important to take note of what you eat with eggs
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Weight Loss: Are Brown Eggs Healthier Than White Eggs?

The said research also confirmed that eggs contain several nutrients which are actually good for your health. "For instance, lutein and zeaxanthin are good for your eyes. Choline is beneficial for your brain and nerves. Vitamins A, B and D help you have strong bones, strong immunity and prevent infections," says Makhija.

What's more, eggs are a great source of protein and are not very high in calories. This makes them the ideal food for weight loss. They are also cheap and easily available, and can be prepared in multiples ways. This makes eggs supremely versatile.

Also read: Eggs And Other Foods That Can Help You Get Rid Of Split Ends

"If you are not already at the risk of developing heart disease because of genetics or other unhealthy habits like a sedentary lifestyle, regular intake of alcohol and smoking, then go ahead and eat one egg a day. If you are trying to lose weight, you can go for egg whites or have one yolk a couple of times in a week," the Mumbai-based nutritionist suggests while adding that in other cases, you can eat an egg guilt-free, every day.

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