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Man In UK Became The First To Give Birth To Baby Girl

In a first of it's kind case in the UK, the man welcomed his child Trinity Leigh into the world, using sperm donation.

Man In UK Became The First To Give Birth To Baby Girl

Hayden Cross paused his hormone replacement treatment to get pregnant.

A transgender is a person whose internal gender identity does not match with the sex assigned to him/her at birth. The person identifies with the opposite sex and can undergo a gender reassignment procedure after hormonal treatment to completely acquire the physical aspects of the preferred gender. While India recognizes these people as the third gender, you can also choose to live as a male or female after the surgery. If a trans man, who is a man assigned the sex of female at birth, retains his ovaries and uterus even after the treatment or freezes his eggs, he can still bear a child by getting pregnant.

In a case of bringing this right to reality, a man, initially born as a female in the UK underwent artificial insemination and gave birth to a baby girl. Hayden Cross, 21, initially called Paige is the proud parent of Trinity-Leigh, the baby girl who was conceived by Hayden through a cesarean on June 16, 2017.

Hayden had initially applied to the NHS and requested that he freeze his eggs so he could have a baby sometime in the future. But his request was denied as the medical chiefs refused to authorize the procedure. While this procedure would cost him around 3 lakh rupees, the private costs were too high for his to bear. "I faced the prospect of not becoming the man I'm supposed to be, physically, or a dad. So I didn't feel like I had any choice but to have a baby now then get back to transitioning," he says.

Hayden, legally a man for 3 years now, paused the hormone replacement treatment to get pregnant. He browsed through the internet and found a sperm donor on Facebook, and then injected the sperms in himself with a syringe. After the baby matures, Hayden plans to resume treatment and get his breast and ovaries removed.
While Hayden is named as the mother on the baby's birth certificate, there isn't a mention of the father.

In India, the Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014 was the first private member's bill to pass in the Rajya Sabha in the last 45 years.

Also read: SC goes against present law to grant permission for abortion


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