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What Is Toxic Positivity: How It Affects Your Mental Health And Well-Being

This article explores what toxic positivity is, how it manifests in everyday life, and the ways in which it can negatively impact your emotional well-being.

What Is Toxic Positivity: How It Affects Your Mental Health And Well-Being

What Is Toxic Positivity: How It Affects Your Mental Health And Well-Being

In a world that increasingly values optimism and positivity, the concept of "toxic positivity" has emerged as a significant concern in mental health discourse. Toxic positivity refers to the overgeneralisation of a happy, optimistic state that results in the denial, minimisation, or invalidation of genuine emotional experiences. While positivity can be a powerful tool for resilience, when taken to an extreme, it can have detrimental effects on one's mental health. This article explores what toxic positivity is, how it manifests in everyday life, and the ways in which it can negatively impact your emotional well-being.

What Is toxic positivity?

Toxic positivity is the belief that people should maintain a positive mindset, regardless of how challenging a situation may be. This attitude can often be imposed by others or by oneself, leading to an avoidance of negative emotions such as sadness, anger, or frustration. While staying positive is generally considered beneficial, toxic positivity dismisses the complexity of human emotions and the need for a balanced emotional life.

For instance, telling someone to "just stay positive" when they are dealing with loss, trauma, or severe stress can make them feel invalidated and misunderstood. Instead of helping them cope, it forces them to suppress their feelings, which can worsen their mental health over time.

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How toxic positivity manifests

Toxic positivity can manifest in several ways, both in how we interact with others and how we treat ourselves:

1. Dismissing emotions

When someone expresses their pain or sorrow, responding with phrases like "It could be worse" or "Just think happy thoughts" can invalidate their feelings, making them feel isolated or ashamed of their emotions.

2. Ignoring problems

Toxic positivity can lead to an avoidance of addressing real issues. By focusing only on the positives, we may neglect to deal with underlying problems that need attention and resolution.

3. Social media influences

The constant barrage of positivity on social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy. Seeing others portray perfect lives can make individuals feel that their struggles are not normal or acceptable.

4. Self-inflicted pressure

People often pressure themselves to "stay positive" in all circumstances, which can lead to internal conflict when they naturally experience negative emotions. This self-imposed pressure can result in guilt and anxiety.

Happy Mood: High Dopamine

Self imposed pressure to "stay positive"
Photo Credit: iStock

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The impact on mental health

Toxic positivity can have several negative effects on mental health:

1. Emotional suppression

Constantly forcing oneself to be positive can lead to the suppression of genuine emotions. Over time, this can cause emotional exhaustion, anxiety, and even depression, as unresolved feelings accumulate.

2. Increased stress

When people feel that they cannot express their true emotions, they may experience increased stress. This can manifest in physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive issues, or insomnia.

3. Damaged relationships

In relationships, toxic positivity can create a barrier to authentic communication. If one partner consistently dismisses the other's concerns with positivity, it can lead to resentment and a lack of emotional intimacy.

4. Mental health stigma

By promoting the idea that only positive emotions are acceptable, toxic positivity contributes to the stigma around mental health issues. It can discourage people from seeking help when they need it, as they may feel that their struggles are a sign of failure.

Breaking free from toxic positivity

To avoid the pitfalls of toxic positivity, it's important to embrace a more balanced approach to emotional well-being:

1. Validate Emotions

Recognise that all emotions, both positive and negative, are valid and necessary. Instead of dismissing difficult feelings, acknowledge them and give yourself permission to experience them.

2. Practice Authentic Positivity

Focus on a more realistic form of positivity that includes acceptance of life's challenges. Instead of forcing happiness, aim for a balanced outlook that allows for growth through adversity.

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Conversations can help in processing emotions and well being

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3. Seek Support

When dealing with difficult emotions, it's important to reach out for support. This could be through friends, family, or professional counselling. Open, honest conversations can help in processing emotions in a healthy way.

4. Mindful Acceptance

Incorporate mindfulness practices that encourage acceptance of the present moment, without judgment. This can help in dealing with emotions as they arise, without feeling the need to suppress or alter them.

Toxic positivity can undermine mental health by forcing the suppression of genuine emotions. By recognising and validating a full range of emotions, individuals can foster a healthier, more balanced approach to life. Embracing authentic positivity allows for true resilience, personal growth, and stronger, more meaningful connections with others.

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