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Use This Magical Leaf For No More Joint Pains And Headaches

Bay leaves have numerous health benefits like relieving joint pains and headaches.They also help in boosting immune system, calming the nervous system and reducing stress.

Use This Magical Leaf For No More Joint Pains And Headaches

Bay leaves can be used in place of asprins for joint pains


  1. Bay leaf oil can be easily prepared at home.
  2. They help in healing stomach aches and stimulates appetite.
  3. They help in stimulating sweating.

As Indians, we have always preferred natural home remedies over medicines. The more natural and home-made the ailment, the better trust we have on it. Most diseases can be treated with natural remedies. We just need to acquaint ourselves with the 'ifs and buts' of everything that we have in our homes, and it would be surprising to see how much we can treat ourselves during sickness, at the comfort of home. One such magical remedy, which is available in every household is bay leaf!

Apart from adding a delicious flavour to numerous Indian dishes, bay leaves have numerous health benefits like relieving joint pains and headaches. Furthermore, they help in boosting immune system, calming the nervous system and reducing stress and anxiety to name a very few.

Here's how you can prepare oil with bay leaves:

  • Take 250 ml olive oil and 30 gms bay leaves.
  • Soak crushed bay leaves in olive oil.
  • Add the mixture in a glass bottle and store it in a dark space for 2 weeks.
  • Make sure you don't move the bottle much in these 2 weeks. Only shake it occasionally.
  • Strain the oil 2 weeks later with the help of a cloth and pour it in another container.
  • Store in a cool place and apply on the affected are whenever you are feeling pain.
Other benefits of bay leaves:
  • Bay leaves can be used in place of asprins.
  • They help in healing stomach aches and stimulates appetite.
  • Skin problems, pores and acne can be improved with the help of bay leaf oil.
  • Bay leaves enhance mental activity.
  • They help in stimulating sweating. 


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