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Not Just An Apple, But A Pomegranate A Day Can Also Keep The Doctor Away

Forget an apple a day, have pomegranates as this divine fruit helps treat diarrhoea, cancer and boosts immunity. These are just a handful, but the fruit has a lot more health advantages for your skin, body and hair.

Not Just An Apple, But A Pomegranate A Day Can Also Keep The Doctor Away

Pomegranate has more antioxidants than green tea


  1. Pomegranate has thrice the level of antioxidants than tea
  2. Pomegranate is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E
  3. Pomegranate juice can cure all stomach disorders
You list the benefit and Pomegranate has it. Forget green tea? Pomegranate has thrice the level of antioxidants as compared to any other tea. Standing up to its name, this divine fruit treats Diarrhoea, Cancer and also boosts immunity. These are just a handful, but the fruit has a lot more health advantages for your skin, body and hair. Apart from being a healthy fruit, pomegranate is delicious too and is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Abundant with anti-viral properties.

Here are a few benefits of pomegranate that you will be both surprised and pleased to know.

1. Stomach disorders: Pomegranate juice can help you get rid of all kinds of stomach problems and Diarrhoea. Tea made from pomegranate leaves helps in reducing digestive problems and curing diseases like Dysentery and Cholera.
stomach ache

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2. Prevents Cancer: Being rich with antioxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and iron, pomegranate helps in fighting against diseases thus preventing cells from damage. It helps in preventing cancer, namely prostate, breast and lung cancer.

3. Heart diseases: A research study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that pomegranates are rich in antioxidants and can prevent the oxidization of LDL cholesterol, also known as 'bad' cholesterol. Basically, eating pomegranates or drinking pomegranate juice makes blood thinner. As the blood is thinner reducing the formation of clots in arteries, the risk of a heart attack and stroke goes down.
heart disease

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4. Prevents dental plaque: Pomegranate's anti-bacterial properties make it a better alternative than an alcoholic containing mouthwash to cure dental problems. The fruit has strong antiplaque effects.

5. Boosts immunity: Whenever a person recovers from an illness, doctors prescribe pomegranate juice for quick recovery. The fruit helps in the development of immunity for people suffering from immune-related disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. A study conducted by Queen Margaret University stated that people who drank pomegranate juice had lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that is increased under stressful situations.

Apart from the above mentioned advantages, pomegranate juice has high estrogenic properties which help in dealing with fertility problems. If taken regularly, the fruit can also help you shed those extra kilos. It has varied skin benefits as well. The juice helps prevent wrinkles and keeps the skin young and glowing. It also helps ladies overcome the symptoms of post-menopausal depression.

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