Celebrate Navratri 2018 by knowing the scientific relevance of fasting.

Happy Navratri 2018: Celebrate Navratri by knowing the scientific relevance of fasting
- Navratri fasting holds scientific relevance
- Fasting and worshipping help with the purification of mind, body and soul
- Fasting gives your digestive system time to rest
Happy Navratri! One of the most important festivals of Hindus, Navratri is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over North India, parts of West, Central India and in West Bengal. This nine-day festival worships the nine incarnations of Goddess Durga and celebrating the victory of good over bad. The word Navratri is a Sanskrit word which means, 'nine nights'. People fast during this period to cultivate divine connection and pay respect to the nine incarnations of the Goddess. Besides religious significance, the nine-day period of fasting holds scientific relevance as well. Let's uncover the science behind fasting during this period.

Happy Navratri 2018: Special Navratri fasting food
Photo Credit: iStock
Navratri comes twice a year during the seasonal change period. Food fasting is when you restrict yourself from eating specific foods. During Navratri, people are asked to refrain from consumption of non vegetarian food, onion, garlic, alcohol, smoke and also keep themselves from all sorts of negativity. In short, these are nine days of discipline when a person practices purification of oneself. Most of you would think why is there a need to restrain oneself from so many things and does it have any logic associated with it. Celebrate Navratri 2017 by knowing the scientific relevance of fasting.
1. Detoxification
Navratri comes twice a year, once when it marks the beginning of summer and once when it marks the beginning of winter. These two are the two main junctures of seasonal change. Therefore, it is necessary to have a light diet. This period is when human body is vulnerable and is susceptible to fall sick. Consumption meat, alcohol, onion, garlic and grains attract negative energies. So fasting and worshipping helps with the purification of mind, body and soul.
2. Mindfulness
Fasting gives your digestive system time to rest. Basically, fasting combined with it divinity gives your mind and body the peace and clarity it needs to deal with the troubles of life and how to solve them. You are able to make mindful choices in life. It is a way to improve your brain activities. This is also the science behind fasting during Navratri.
3. Self-discipline
Navratri 2017, bring your body and mind to a more disciplined state. Fasting brings your body and mind to a state which is ideal and gets disrupted due to the daily life activities. It helps in booting body metabolism and you may even experience weight loss.
Celebrate Navratri 2017 with the scientific relevance of fasting during these days in mind. Happy Navratri!
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