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Obese Wives May Make Husbands Diabetic

According to a recent study, overweight wives can significantly enhance their husband's chances of developing Type-2 Diabetes whereas on the other hand, obese men do not pose a similar risk to their wives.

Obese Wives May Make Husbands Diabetic

Obese wives may make their husbands diabetic. Read on to know more.


  1. Obesity in wives increases chances of husbands developing type-2 diabetes
  2. Men do not pose a similar threat to their wives.
  3. Major reason is that wives and husbands share lifestyle and diet habits.
According to a recent study, overweight wives (especially in middle age) can significantly enhance their husband's chances of developing Type-2 diabetes whereas on the other hand, obese men do not pose a similar risk to their wives.

It was found that for every 5 kg/m2 higher BMI in a wife, the husband's risk of developing Type-2 diabetes was 21% greater.

According to Adam Hulman from Aarhus University in Denmark, "Having an obese wife increases a man's risk of diabetes over and above the effect of his own obesity level, while among women, having an obese husband gives no additional diabetes risk beyond that of her own obesity level.”

Here, given that men do not impact their wives’ health suggests that women, comparatively, command a much bigger influence on their husband’s lifestyle.

He further added, “Our results indicate that on finding obesity in a person, screening of their spouse for diabetes may be justified.”

The research was presented at the 2017 European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Annual Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal.

The findings further stressed that obesity or Type-2 diabetes in one partner could lead to Type-2 diabetes in the other mainly due to shared lifestyle habits as such poor eating habits and lack of physical activity.

It was suggested that it’s important for couples to adapt to healthy lifestyle and dietary habits.

"Recognising shared risk between spouses may improve diabetes detection and motivate couples to increase collaborative efforts to eat more healthily and boost their activity levels," said Hulman.

Obesity can be easily dealt with if good eating habits are followed and a healthy lifestyle is pursued.

One should eat balanced and nutrients-rich diet, exercise on a daily basis, avoid sedentary lifestyle, and stick to healthy sleep schedules so as to keep obesity in check.

Also Read: 5 Fruits To Treat Diabetes


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