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When Is The Right Time To See A Fertility Specialist

Infertility can often be treated with simple medication. Occasionally one may need IVF. The choice of treatment depends on the test results, the time the couple tried to get pregnant, the couple's overall health, and the couples choice.

When Is The Right Time To See A Fertility Specialist

In case you are having trouble conceiving or have infertility issues, a fertility specialist can determine if the cause of infertility can be diagnosed and, with specific tests and medication can provide appropriate treatment. Infertility can often be treated with simple medication. Occasionally one may need IVF. The choice of treatment depends on the test results, the time the couple tried to get pregnant, the couple's overall health, and the couple's choice.

However sometimes, one may not know when the right time is to see a fertility specialist. Often there are no symptoms or people neglect the minor indicators of sub-fertility and end up making their condition difficul tbefore they finally decide to visit a fertility specialist.

So, let us discuss when one must visit a fertility specialist; what are the conditions that determine that it is time for you to visit the doctor-

  1. If you think you may have Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a major cause of infertility in women. This is a hormonal disorder that affects a woman's ability to ovulate within regular intervals. If a woman does not ovulate regularly, she would have irregular menses and  her pregnancy becomes difficult. PCOS can be treated within time with lifestyle changes & oral or injectable drugs that help in conceiving. Hence, if you have irregular periods, it is time you visit your fertility specialist.
  2. If you think you may have Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when the tissues that normally line the uterus grow elsewhere, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other pelvic cavities. This would cause painful menses, mild bleeding before or after proper menses and even painful intercourse. Your fertility specialist can best guide you on the treatment which may also include surgery. 
  3. If you have thyroid gland malfunction: One in eight women develop thyroid problems in their lifespan, and up to 60% of women with thyroid problems are unaware of their condition. One of the most common thyroid disorders is hypothyroidism. Low levels of thyroid hormone or high TSH  can cause irregular menstrual cycles that can affect ovulation. These conditions are well managed by simple medication, hence, it is advisable to visit a fertility specialist in time.
  4. If you are over 35 years of age and trying for a pregnancy , it is always good to see a fertility specialist. A woman is born with a fixed egg pool and it reduces, sometimes drastically after 35. Your fertility specialist will check your egg reserve and guide according.
  5. If you are less than 35 and you have been trying unsuccessfully for more than a year, it is best to seek an opinion of a fertility expert. Your specialist will get your egg reserve, tubes and partner's sperm checked among other things. This will help in deciding the future course of action.
  6. If low sperm count or quality is diagnosed it is best to start treatment under an expert's guidance.
  7. If you are above the age of 40 years: In the current times with advanced tech, today it is equally safe to conceive after the age of 40. However, the path to success is more uphill and timely consult is crucial toget pregnant. Aging impacts egg production in addition to egg quality. A decline egg quality or egg numbers predisposes women to risk of  of miscarriage. Hence, you must consult your doctor to discuss and understand the risks and get a view of your health condition as well as right options to earliest conception
  8. Apart from the above-mentioned conditions, if you have ever been diagnosed with cancer, or if you had multiple miscarriages, it is time you visit a fertility specialist who can best guide you on your journey to happiness and fulfilment with a new life.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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