Have a diet rich in protein and calcium and choose good hair products help prevent hair fall.

- Hair follicles are made of protein. Therefore, it is advisable to eat a diet rich in protein. Have cheese, eggs, almond, beans sprouts, fish, seafood and yogurt.
- Calcium is another important nutrient for strengthening the hair follicles and roots in your scalp. Hence, include food rich in calcium like milk and cheese in your diet .
- Have sound sleep. Irregular sleeping is one of the leading causes for hair loss. Therefore, make sure that you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
- Chose hair care products carefully, because they would directly affect the growth of your hair. Never use harsh shampoos, conditioners or stylizing products.
- Alcohol and tobacco are the root causes for majority of hair loss problems. Hence, quit habits such as smoking and consumption of alcohol.
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