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Exercise reduces pregnancy risks

According to a new study women who are physically active during the year before pregnancy and during early pregnancy may be less likely to develop high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Exercise reduces pregnancy risks

According to a new study, women who are physically active during the year before pregnancy and during early pregnancy may be less likely to develop high blood pressure during pregnancy. Little is understood about pregnancy-induced high blood pressure and swelling of the feet, a condition known as preeclampsia. It poses a risk to both the mother and fetus. In severe cases, preeclampsia can lead to maternal seizures and, in rare cases, to death. Previous research showed that recreational physical activity during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy reduces the risk of the complication. The benefits and risks of physical activity before and during pregnancy were not well studied and the effects of pre-conception exercise and of typical daily activities were to be investigated. Researchers at the Swedish Medical Centre in Seattle evaluated 201 women with preeclampsia who delivered between 1998 and 2001, and 383 women who did not develop high blood pressure during pregnancy. Women were asked about recreational activities, walking and stair climbing for the year prior to conception and the first 20 weeks of their pregnancies.

They found that women who are engaged in any regular physical activity during early pregnancy, compared with inactive women, experienced a 35% reduced risk of preeclampsia. In contrast to inactive women, those engaged in light or moderate activities experienced a 24% reduced risk and for women participating in vigorous activities the reduction was 54%. Brisk walking, when compared with no walking at all, was associated with a 30% to 33% reduction in preeclampsia risk with most benefit noted for those who walked at a rate of three miles an hour or faster. Risk was reduced by about a third in women who had participated in any recreational physical activity during early pregnancy or during the year before pregnancy. And even among women who did not exercise regularly, climbing one to four flights of stairs every day appeared to provide some protection. These results suggest that regular physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of preeclampsia. Current public health efforts to increase physical activity may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Hypertension, June 2003; Vol. 41(6)


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