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Therapy for acidity helps asthmatics

Recent research suggests that children who suffer from both gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and asthma may reduce their use of asthma medication by up to 50 percent after being treated for GERD. Researchers have noticed that anti-reflux medications can sometimes help asthma symptoms.

Therapy for acidity helps asthmatics

Recent research suggests that children who suffer from both gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and asthma may reduce their use of asthma medication by up to 50 percent after being treated for GERD. Researchers have noticed that anti-reflux medications can sometimes help asthma symptoms.In the study, researchers at the West Jefferson Medical Centre in New Orleans, USA, evaluated asthma medication usage among 27 children diagnosed with persistent moderate asthma and GERD. The group was compared to 19 other children (the control group) with asthma but no symptoms of GERD.It was found that 18 of the youngsters with both asthma and GERD received drugs, including heartburn relievers known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), and 9 underwent surgical treatment for GERD. One year later, all the patients who got some kind of anti-GERD treatment, medication or surgery, were able to reduce their asthma medication by more than 50 percent. Among the children in the control group, 2 of 8 children with asthma without GERD who took anti-GERD medication reduced their asthma medication usage, while the other 11 children, who took no such medication, did not reduce their asthma medication usage.

With anti-GERD treatments such as PPIs, it may be possible to help lighten children's asthma regimens and eventually reduce the number of hospital visits and school days missed.

Chest, April 2003; Vol. 123

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