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Centre To Set Up E-portal, Online Medicine To Be Regulated

Government set to launch e-portal to regulate the flow of medicines. Its main purpose will be to keep a tab on all retailers, manufacturers and distributors by ensuring that they register on the portal.

Centre To Set Up E-portal, Online Medicine To Be Regulated

The e-portal will regulate the flow of drugs


  1. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has proposed to set up an e-portal
  2. To eal with the issue of plugging the gaps in the sale of drugs
  3. There will be a nominal fee for the process
In a movement to regulate the flow of medicines and to tackle the problem of fake prescriptions, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has proposed to set up an e-portal. Its main purpose will be to keep a tab on all retailers, manufacturers and distributors by ensuring that they register on the portal. It'll also help in keeping a check on the online sale of medicines. Mayuri Patil, a resident had filed an PIL regarding several unapproved drugs which were being advertised online, which were in direct violation of the 'Drugs and Cosmetics Act'.

Additional Government Pleader, P Kakade, told the court that the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had submitted a public notice to deal with the issue of plugging the gaps in the sale of drugs, of which online portal was an essential part.

"The objective of such regulation would be to ensure availability of right drugs that meet the standard of quality to every person, in need of medicines, curbing anti-microbial resistance and also regulating supply of medicines online or on internet to persons or other entities outside India," the notice said. "The government proposes to establish a robust e-enabled structure for regulating sale of medicines. An electronic platform will be developed and maintained by an autonomous body under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare."

According to the notice both the online and the retail section will have to get themselves registered at the portal. There will be a nominal fee for the process and the government has given a time period of 2 years to the existing parties to complete the transition. "The data can be entered both online and using mobile phones. The pharmacies located in rural and other remote areas can upload the data via mobile phones at least once every fortnight and much more," the notice read.

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