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Stay Stress Free With Yoga, Meditation And Pranayama

Invest in a regular practice of yogic techniques like asanas, pranayama, and meditation practice etc. to beat stress. Here are some techniques you must try.

Stay Stress Free With Yoga, Meditation And Pranayama

Stress can negatively affect your health in various ways


  1. Stress can affect both mental and physical health
  2. You can best stress with yoga and meditation
  3. Here are some tips you must try

Stress has now become a common part of living, and there are two ways you can come out of this. You can leave all your commitments behind, and abandon your responsibilities to establish a life of seclusion. However, since this is not feasible, let us explore more viable and easier options. Invest in a regular practice of yogic techniques like asanas, pranayama, and meditation practice etc. This will ensure that you have taken care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation, Chandra Namaskar or Moon Salutation can also be included in this. Still, if you are strapped for time, and find yourself too busy for a lengthy practise, all you need is 15 minutes.

Beat stress with asanas, pranayama, and meditation

Start with Sukshma Vyayam or subtle exercises. These consist of gentle rotation of neck, arms, wrists, hips, ankles to slowly warm up the joints. Walk around briskly, and stretch and mobilize your muscles. This will prepare your body for a practice, and keep you safe from practice-related injuries.

Here are a few simple asanas that you can hold for upto a minute each.

1. Asanas

  • Padahasthasana- Hand to Foot Pose
  • Chakrasana - Wheel Pose
  • Adomukhi Svanasana - Downward Dog Pose
  • Hastha Uttanasana - Raised Arm Pose
  • Halasana

Follow this up with a breathing technique for another 3 minutes, meditation for 2-3 minutes too, and you can wrap it up by chanting a few mantras.

2. Meditation

Super Power Meditation is also a highly recommended practice as this influences the rate at which your body can heal itself. Meditation techniques can improve your mood, calm your mind and help to relax you.

  • To practice this, seat yourself on in Sukhasana or any other comfortable pose that gives you the shape of a pyramid
  • The intention is to sit in the shape of triangle atop a mountain
  • In this position, you need to visualize a reverse triangular shield in your chest and then meditate

During the meditative process, with every inhale, this shield allows you to welcome all the positive energies of the world into you. And, as you exhale you release unwanted toxins, miseries, and negativity from within you

3. Pranayama


  • Sit in any comfortable position - Sukhasana, Ardha Padmasana, Vajrasana or Poorna Padmasana
  • Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed and close your eyes to focus on your breath
  • Place your palms on your knees facing upward (in Prapthi Mudra)
  • Duration You may begin by practicing this breathing technique for 1-2 minutes a day and gradually increase it with time

Khand Pranayama


  • As you inhale, divide your breath into two equal parts
  • Without retaining the breath in your lungs, exhale twice

Anulom Vilom - Alternate Nostril Breathing


Gently close your right nostril with your thumb, inhale into your left nostril and close it, letting the breath out through the right nostril. Then inhale through your right, closing it to exhale only through your left. This makes one cycle.

Lastly, the final hack that can help you lead a stress-free life is the practice of Walk, and self-talk - Walking is an activity that is considered therapeutic. Spend a few minutes every day at any convenient time to take a walk around your office or neighbourhood block. Engage in introspection, and hold a conversation with yourself. This process will help you clear your mind, and find amicable ways out of tough situations that you may be facing. How you use these simple steps will determine the quality of your life. These are not complicated practices, and can be planned during any part of the day as per your convenience. Apply these techniques with commitment in order to take positive steps towards your well-being.

(Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master, Spiritual Guide and Lifestyle Coach)

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