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Purify The Air Inside Your House With These Plants: It's That Simple

Move over, electronic air purifiers. These plants can now offer a natural way to filter indoor pollutants and clean up the environment.

Purify The Air Inside Your House With These Plants: Its That Simple

Indoor plants help to comabt indoor air pollution

Plants are natural air filters that work to clean up the indoor environment, absorbing irritating or harmful chemicals from the air. There are two such very effective plants that will help to clean up the impure air in your house. No need to spend bags of money on air purifiers. Simply use these plants and see the difference.


Red anthuriums are also called "tongues of fire" because of their bright red, shiny, heart-shaped blossoms. This plant originates from South America. Its flowers may be red, pink, or white. Anthurium is a natural filter for ammonia and xylene. Beware, however: the plant's sap and leaves may cause allergies in sensitive people. Anthurium needs a lot of light but it must avoid direct sunlight, and it needs dampness to develop and blossom. It should ideally be placed indoors, beside a window. They require a little attention as it cannot bear dry air, you will have to spray a little water on the leaves during the winter. Likewise, it must be repotted each year in a pot with a hole in the bottom.

plants for air pollution

Anthurium helps combat air pollution
Photo Credit: iStock

Ficus microcarpa (Indian laurel or curtain fig)

Ficus microcarpa comes from Asia. It is easily identifiable thanks to its small, oval, shiny and highly decorative leaves. It is often grown as a house plant, most often as a bonsai. Sometimes referred to as "ficus ginseng" - "ginseng" is Chinese for "root" - because of its splendid ramified aerial root which gives it a contemporary look, this ficus will dress up your interiors perfectly. This plant is both invigorating and juvenating, and it provides oxygen, so you can breathe easier at home. Ficus microcarpa thrives at indoor temperatures between 15 degree C and 25 degree C. It dislikes drafts and will shed its leaves if exposed to too drastic a change in temperature. It only requires moderate watering, especially in the summertime, and potting every other year, and it will go on for years. It likes a little dampness, but make sure not to leave standing water in the saucer.

plants for air pollution

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These plants help purify indoor air
Photo Credit: iStock


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