To get better balance, power and agility, kickboxing is the king among workouts. Kickboxing has been shown to improve fitness, power, flexibility, agility, co-ordination, and even lose calories.

Kickboxing is all you need to stay fit. These are the ultimate kickboxing workouts.
- Kickboxing improves fitness, power, flexibility, agility, co-ordination
- Speedbag and Shuffle, boxer's shuffle and switch are great workouts
- 'Jab, Cross, Squat, Jump and Switch' is a good kickboxing workout
Kickboxing is quickly gaining popularity as one of the best workouts. To get better balance, power and agility, kickboxing is king among workouts, actually. Experts who have studied the sport say nearly everyone-even older people who might shy away from such things-can benefit from throwing a punch! Kickboxing has been shown to improve fitness, power, flexibility and agility, and co-ordination too. It also helps in effectively burning calories. In fact, the kind of punching-and-kicking combinations used in Tae Bo or "cardio kickboxing" classes burn more than eight calories per minute- about the same amount you'd burn while swimming. So, here are the three ultimate kickboxing workouts that you can do to reap these benefits:
1. Jab, Cross, Squat, Jump and Switch
Stand with your right foot forward, arms in 'on guard' position (elbows bent, hands in fists on either side of your chin). Throw a right jab (punch your right arm forward, rotating your fist down, without locking out your elbow), a left cross (punch your left arm forward, rotating your left hip into the punch and lifting your left heel off the floor), and then bring your arms back to on guard position. Quickly push your hips back and lower into a squat, jump up, and rotate 180 degrees in the air, landing with your left foot forward. Immediately repeat the entire sequence on the left side. Continue alternating sides for 1 minute.

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2. Speedbag and Shuffle
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bring your arms up in front of your chest, hands in fists, elbows out to the sides. Shuffle side to side and circle your arms rapidly around in each other (as if hitting a speed bag). To make it harder, reverse the direction of your circles without losing speed. Do this as quickly as you can for 30 seconds.
3. Boxer's Shuffle and Switch
With your right foot forward and arms on guard, shuffle in place for 1 count, then quickly jump and switch to the other side, landing with your left foot forward. Shuffle in place for 1 count and switch back. Do this as quickly as you can for 30 seconds.
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