The cholesterol ratio is determined by dividing total cholesterol number by HDL cholesterol in your body

Your heart health depends on the cholesterol levels in your body
- HDL cholesterocarries LDL cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver
- Levels of LDL cholesterol should be as low as possible
- Cholesterol is circulated in the body through your blood stream
Foods like pizza, pasta and burger are all high in cholesterol. Also, adding lots of ghee or butter in your food can increase your cholesterol levels. The bad news is that people with high cholesterol levels might be at risk of heart diseases at all times. The human body contains good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol. The cholesterol ratio is determined by dividing HDL number by the total cholesterol number in your body. The optimum ratio is considered somewhat lesser than 3.5:1. If your ratio is higher than this, it is higher than the normal levels and you are at increased risk of heart disease.
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What is Non-HDL cholesterol?
Non-HDL cholesterol in the body is ascertained by subtracting HDL by the total number of cholesterol in the body. This is non-HDL or LDL cholesterol which is also known as the bad type of cholesterol. More number of non-HDL cholesterol is directly proportional to risks of heart disease.
Also read: Can Eating Eggs Raise Your Cholesterol Levels?
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Why is it so important?
Determining your cholesterol level is important because it doesn't remain in the body in one place. It is transported from one part of the body to the other and is also circulated in the blood stream.
Your heart health is dependent on how well you are able to maintain your cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol levels are under control, then it won't build-up near heart's arteries and cause blockage of arteries. Blockage of arteries is considered as one of the major heart issues.
HDL cholesterol is the one which carries LDL cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver. Levels of LDL cholesterol should be as low as possible. Foods rich in trans-fat and saturated fat have the capability of increasing LDL cholesterol in the body.
Also read: The Best Diet Plans To Reduce Your Cholesterol Today
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Cholesterol ratio and risk of heart disease in men and women
Men with a cholesterol ratio of 5 are at an average risk of getting a heart disease. The risk doubles if the ratio is 9 or more or is half if the average risk if the ratio is 3 or less.
Women are more likely to have higher levels of cholesterol. A ratio of 4.4 poses them at an average risk of heart diseases. The risk doubles if the ratio is 7 and reduces by half if the ratio is 3.
However, the cholesterol ratio alone is not enough to show you a clear picture of how prone you are to heart diseases. Get your medical check-ups regularly to always keep a track of your cholesterol levels and your heart healthy.
Also read: If You Have High Cholesterol Levels, These Are The Foods You Should Eat And Avoid
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