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Kidney transplantees face risk of melanoma

People who've undergone a kidney transplant have an increased risk of developing melanoma (skin cancer).

Kidney transplantees face risk of melanoma

People who've undergone a kidney transplant have an increased risk of developing melanoma (skin cancer). Researchers from Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, used data from the national databases to compare the occurrence of melanoma among kidney transplant recipients with that reported in the general population. It was found that the melanoma rate in kidney recipients was 3.6 times that in the general population. The risk was 3.8 times higher in men, 1.9 times higher in women, and more than 17 times higher in African Americans. In men, but not women, the risk of melanoma increased with age, both in the transplant population, and in the general population. There is a need for physicians to understand that the risk of melanoma is increased in kidney transplant recipients, particularly among men and African Americans. These patients need to be educated about their risk and taught how to do self-examination. Also, follow-up care should be coordinated with a dermatologist, including routine skin examinations.
September 2005

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