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Inhaled steroids good for asthmatics

Older asthmatic women using inhaled steroids are less likely to die from any cause over 5 years compared to those not using inhaled steroids.

Inhaled steroids good for asthmatics

Older asthmatic women using inhaled steroids are significantly less likely to die from any cause over 5 years compared to those not using inhaled steroids. Therapy with inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) decreases the risk of asthma exacerbations. Recent studies have suggested that ICS therapy also may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, and perhaps of all-cause mortality. To examine this hypothesis in a large, well-characterised cohort of asthmatic women, researchers from America studied 2,671 women with persistent asthma. The participants were asked to complete supplementary asthma questionnaire. Fifty-four percent of these women reported inhaled steroid use. Over the next five years, it was found that 87 women (3.3 percent) died. Twenty-two women died of cardiovascular causes, 31 from cancer, and 34 died from other causes (including 4 from asthma). The use of inhaled steroid therapy at the outset, relative to non-use, was found to be associated with a significant 42 percent reduced likelihood of dying from any cause and a 65 percent reduced likelihood of dying from a heart-related cause. However, using inhaled steroids did not significantly cut the risk of dying from cancer or other causes. These above findings suggest that the long-term value of the early initiation of inhaled steroid therapy may go well beyond improved asthma control. The findings also support and extend the results of two recent studies from Canada, which suggested that inhaled steroid therapy might have benefits outside the lungs.
September 2008

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