Technological addiction is very real and here are reasons why you need to start a digital detox right away.

Start your Digital Detox right away
1. Your Sleep Misses You - The more you engross yourself in technology the more difficult it'll be for you to pull out. Numerous studies have pointed to the fact that sleeping disorders are caused by spending abnormal hours with your cell phones or laptops. It gets much worse as researchers have successfully shown the link between dependency on technology and an increased risk of depression
2. Your Body Posture - You've got to give credit to our ancestors, they did really well in the evolution process as we transformed from apes to humans. But with the recent trends it might appear that we're de-evolving now. Majority of people who work in the BPO sector have an increased risk of problems with their body postures.
3. Multitasking - You're not a web browser who can work with multiple tabs activated on the click of a button. Always remember multitasking with no cost is a myth. The amount of time you spend on your devices could be used up in some other productive and comparatively much more healthy tasks.
4. Emotional Connect - We're all humans and we've emotions. That's what separates us from all those machines out there. The more time you spend with technology the more you'll feel disconnected from others around you. We need others to survive and virtual reality is not a healthy solace.
5. A Warped Sense Of Reality - If we're on the topic of virtual reality it's time you understand why it's not okay to stay there. The more you stay away from your world the more you'll ignore the real problems. Hiding is never the solution. Your problems won't just go away because you choose to ignore them. Your life will start to revolve around social media platforms but your real connection will crumble to dust.
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