A pinched nerve refers to a certain kind of damage to a nerve or a group of nerves. It occurs when a bone, disc or a muscle places increased pressure on the nerve. It leads to a feeling of numbness, minor swelling, burning and tingling.

Naturally treating pinched nerve
Posture: A change in posture may relieve you from your pain. Change the way you are sitting or standing. Choose a position that makes you feel better. By making a conscious effort to sit straight you can minimize the pain and discomfort.
Calcium: Pinched nerve can be due to calcium deficiency. You can add calcium rich foods in your diet such as milk products, bananas, green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale.
Rest: No matter where you have pinched nerve, the best thing is usually to take rest as long as possible. Sleeping is a natural way to cure pinched nerve. Ensure that take a few extra hours of sleep every night. When you sleep, you give extra time to your body does not move and will heal on its own. Physical exercise or playing should be avoided.
Heat: You can use heat pad or a hot water bottle to relax the muscles that might be tight around the blood flow. Heat also increases the blood flow which can help the blood flow. But make sure you do not overheat it or else it will increase inflammation.
Massage: You can take a full body massage to induce relaxation in all your muscles and reducing the pain in the affected area as well. A gentle targeted massage on the affected area will be helpful and relieve you from the pain.
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