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Are You On A Fat-Free Diet? Take Note Of These Signs Of Fat Deficiency In Your Body

Eating too many fats has negative effects on your health; however, eating too less could also have its set of negative effects. One should watch out for the signs and symptoms of a fat deficiency.

Including less fats in the diet can lead to fat deficiency

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How often do you ask your mother to not add a teaspoon of ghee or butter to your chapatti? While you feel that you are saving yourself from going through self-loathing when you fail to fit into your pants, you might actually be harming your health. We agree that eating too many fats has negative effects on your health; however, eating too less could also have its set of negative effects. It may land you in a fat deficiency. While some fats add inches to your waistline, there are some fats which are actually important for the normal functioning of your body. Fats are that macronutrient which is essential for skin, hair, energy, diet and metabolic functions of the body. It is only after you completely give up on fats and your body becomes deficient when you realize just how important fats are for your overall health. Wondering how you would know if you are deficient in fats? It's simple, watch out for the signs and symptoms of a fat deficiency!

Healthy fats are important to include in the diet
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Keto Diet: These 7 Fats Must Be Included In Your Keto Diet

Take note of these 6 serious signs of a fat deficiency:

1. Inability to lose weight

Wait, what? Fat deficiency stops you from losing weight! It might sound ironical due to the strong link between fats and weight gain. But the fact is that giving up on fats complete might make it even more difficult for you to shed those extra pounds. Eating fewer fats can make you want to eat more carbs. Due to this, you end up eating too much and instead of losing weight, you might go the other way and gain some additional pounds. Research suggests that consumption of polyunsaturated fats actually results in a higher rate of diet-induced calorie burn.


Fat deficiency stops you from losing weight
Photo Credit: iStock

2. Pain in the joints

People who suffer from joint inflammation due to arthritis or any other condition might get some relief with the consumption of healthy fats. However, those who give up on fats completely and suffer from fat deficiency, they have an increased risk of suffering from joint pain in the future. However, it is important to keep a check on your portions, excessive fat may result in weight gain which further makes joint pains worse. Regular and controlled consumption of omega 3 fatty acids might make situations better for patients dealing with joint pains.


Fat deficiency can lead to joint pains
Photo Credit: iStock

3. Gut problems

Your gut is the core of your body's immune system. 80% of your immune system lies in your gut. A healthy diet is strongly linked to a healthy gut. However, a diet low in terms of fat content does not promote a healthy gut environment. If you are suffering from a fat deficiency, you are likely to experience gut-related problems like leaky gut.

​Also read: Which Are The Fats You Should Eat?

4. Dull, dry and flaky skin

Has your skin been looking dull and unattractive for some time now? Instead of spending a bomb on cosmetics, check your diet; you might be suffering from a fat deficiency. Fat deficiencies contribute to a poor skin quality as well. Fatty acids stimulate the oil-producing glands in the body which naturally moisturize your skin. Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids have an important role to play in skin health. While filling up on these will help you maintain the glow for a longer period of time, being deficient in the same could have an adverse effect.

5. Vision problems

Fat deficiencies contribute to vision problems as well. Macular degeneration contributes to blindness and is actually a leading cause of the same in the world. The best way to keep it at bay is to consume omega 3 fatty acids regularly. Besides this, omega 3 fatty acids reduce the risk of vision problems like glaucoma and dry eye syndrome as well.


Fat deficiency might lead to poor vision

6. Depression

Studies show that fat deficiency is linked to a negative change in a person's mood. Regular consumption of healthy fats is known to reduce your risk of depression. For treating depression, omega 3 fatty acids have been deemed more effective than antidepressant medications.

Eating healthy fats can keep depression at bay

Also read: You Need To Consume Fats To Absorb Nutritients From Veggies

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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