Me and my wife are HIV +ve; should we use condoms?
Q: Twelve months ago, I was suffering from severe dry cough. When I consulted a physician he advised me for cervical gland biopsy (due to lymphadenopathy); while going for that I tested HIV positive?. The physician suggested Rifampicin 600mg / Ethambutol / Pyrazinamide / with anti-retrovirals like Duovir & Efavirenz 600mg for a period of nine months. I have stopped all medications now. My CD4 counts rose from 223 to 303 to 444 (six months intervals). I am doing well. The problem is about the lymph nodes which are still present. Will they get subdued, or will they grow? The Doctor advised me to continue with a twice daily dose of Lamuvidine 150mg + Stavudine 40mg + Nevirapine 200mg combination. It was ill luck that my wife also tested positive. Her CD4 count is 512 (came down from 532, six months ago). She is also exhibiting the dry cough symptoms like I had last year. The doctor advised Roxithromycin 150mg & Cetrizine 10mg for 4 days to her, but there is not much relief. Does she require the same anti-TB regimen? She is not on ARV treatment. Should we wear condom during coitus? Please advise.
A:You need to continue ART and keep a regular follow up with your physician. Your wife also needs to be followed up on a regular basis. At some stage, she will also require to take ART. It is a good idea to use condoms so as to prevent passing on the new viral load to each other and also to prevent pregnancy (if you wish to avoid it).