How many years will I live with AIDS?
Q: Does oral sex contract HIV? It would be helpful if you make it clear to me on this. I am now in a state that I can not convey this to my wife that I may have contracted the virus. How many months / years will I live if I am positive to HIV? Is there any vaccine to prevent this from deteriorating my body. I also understand there is no medicine to cure this.
A:Oral sex can lead to HIV infection, but the chances of this happening are not very high. Stop worrying and get yourself tested when you are in Delhi. Please remember to protect your wife by using a condom until you have the test results. At this time there is no vaccine for HIV, either to prevent infection or to reduce progression of the disease, available anywhere in the world. However there are drugs (anti-retrovirals) that control the infection (not cure) and these are available in many countries including India. They are expensive and today cost about Rs.1400 a month and must be continued for life. Even without treatment with anti-retrovirals, half the persons with HIV infection are alive 10 years after the initial infection.