Do I have AIDS?
Q: I met a lady almost 2 months ago without condom. I had undergone tridot tests several times for possible HIV infection. After that almost 55 days later I underwent the PCR test which my lab assistant said will be conducted in Bombay. That was also normal where HIV virus was not detected. I request you to advise me if I am all right. Can PCR test be trusted that it detects HIV after 72 hrs of infection? Shall I wait for another month for the confirmatory tests after the so called window period?
A:The PCR test and the history you give of negative tridot tests suggests that you are HIV negative and did not get HIV infection when you had penetrative unprotected sex 2 months ago. Please keep in mind that you may not be so fortunate next time! Please do not take any risks and avoid all casual penetrative sex. If you can not avoid all such risk exposure, at least ensure that you use a condom properly from start to finish.