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Can an AIDS patient donate organs?

Q: Sir, I am a 64 years old AIDS positive patient suffering from this since 3 years. The town where I am living has almost prohibited me from entering the city and my wife and children have left me all alone. The doctors also confirmed that the time left for me is only 15 months. I am unable to do my work, nobody will come to me and my condition is very poor with no earnings, no money, no friends or relatives. I am totally alone in this wide world with nobody interested in me. My condition is known to every one. Keeping in view the above situation, I took the strong decision of leaving this world quietly if only to leave some respect for my family as I dont want to be a burden to them. I want mercy killing!! Can you suggest some medicines or pills or injections which are easily available in India which I can take so that I can die without much difficulty? I want to donate all my organs which can be useful for the needy. Kindly help me in this matter.

A:I am sorry that you are in such a frame of mind. You must not think that being HIV positive is the end of your life. It is unfortunate BUT please keep in mind that most people with HIV infection live for many years before developing full blown AIDS. In fact the data suggests that only half the HIV positive persons develop full blown AIDS in 8 to 9 years. The remaining half live much longer. No doctor can tell you with certainty that you have only 15 months more. You do not describe your physical condition so I can not say anything more about your particular case, but please do not give up so easily. I do not know where you are living so I can not give you an address in your town but do try and contact the nearest office of any organisation of HIV positive persons. One example is the Indian Network for people living with HIV/AIDS (IMP+), 29/2 Velum Street, West Mambaam, Chennai 600 033. Phone in Chennai 2471 72363. Another organisation in Delhi is Sahara/ Delhi Network of Positive People, E-453, Greater Kailash-II, New Delhi 110 048, Phone 011 26219147 One of the few consequences of HIV infection is that the infection can be transmitted by not only blood donation but also by any organ donation. Please do not think of organ or body donation. Get in touch with a support group immediately.


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