Am I HIV positive?
Q: Recently, I got tested myself for HIV at a government hospital in Aligarh (UP). They used three HIV testing kits, they are as following: HIV Tridot, Pareekshak and Pareekshak Triline. Well, all my results were non reactive. My question is that from the past 3 months I have some ulcers in my mouth and white coating on my tongue. Recently I had also red spot on my penis which itches and pains if rubbed. I also had my VDRL done and it was negative. I also have two black spots on my lips. I went to see many doctors and everyone told me that it's Vit. B complex deficiency. But even after taking all the antacids and b-complex capsules I really don't see much change due to which I am really stressed and tensed. I showed myself to really good doctors from AIIMS to Apollo. All these conditions again make me think of HIV. I am always depressed. I took my HIV test after the window period say after 2 years. Can please tell me how reliable these voluntary HIV testing centres are? Should I be convinced that I am HIV negative on the basis of these results?
A:Let me say, in the first instance that the symptoms like ulcers in the mouth and itching on the penis are not normally the symptoms of HIV. As a matter of fact HIV positivity per se does not cause any signs or symptoms except a positive blood test. Normally 3 ELISA test negativity is considered sufficient to rule out the HIV infection. I suppose you should take it that you are negative. You may however wish to consult with a physician who may be able to tell you whether or not you have anything to suggest AIDS - a disease that normally comes up years after HIV infection.