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Everyday Foods Which Can Trigger Headaches And Migraines

Foods that trigger headache and migraine: Migraine causes intense headaches accompanied with nausea, vomiting or tingling sensations. Know which foods can trigger migraine pain and headaches here.

Migraines are long lasting and recurrent headaches which can range from moderate to severe

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Migraines are long lasting and recurrent headaches which can range from moderate to severe. The pain can be triggered from bright lights, certain smells or loud sounds. The excruciating discomfort often affects one side of the head and can last from a day to three. Migraine is a neurological condition characterized by intense headaches accompanied with nausea, vomiting or tingling sensations around the face or limbs. It is usually genetic and often tends to run in the family. However, not all headaches are migraines, even though they cause acute pain in the head. The exact causes of migraines are unknown. However, swelling and contraction of the blood vessels in the head and changes in the neurotransmitters or brain chemicals might be the leading cause of migraines. Constant stress, anxiety and tension can be the reasons for headaches or migraine attacks. Migraines and headaches can happen at any age. Women are more susceptible to migraines than men. One can rest in a dark room with no sounds for immediate relief from migraine pain. 

Migraines are long lasting and recurrent headaches which can range from moderate to severe

Also read: Here's How You Can Avoid A Migraine Before It Happens

Several things can stimulate a migraine; following are some everyday foods which trigger headaches and migraine:

1. Alcohol:

Alcohol - especially beer and red wine- can be considered as triggers for migraine and painful headaches in most people. People suffering from constant migraine attacks and headaches should avoid consuming alcohol. It triggers migraine attacks within 30 minutes to 3 hours or it can cause severe hangover headaches the morning after.

All alcoholic drinks are capable of inducing immediate or delayed headaches. In wine-sensitive migraine patients, it mostly takes two glasses of wine to start a migraine attack or a headache.

Wine can be considered as triggers for migraine and painful headaches in most of the people

Also read: Side Effects Of Mixing Alcohol With Painkillers

2. Cheese:

Migraine patients need to cut back on their consumption of cheese. Aged cheese contains a natural compound known as tyramine, which is a known trigger for migraines. One must stop eating cheese to avoid migraine attacks at the best. Cheeses like brie, blue cheese, cheddar, feta etc all contain proteins which break down over time and lead to the formation of tyramine.
Migraine patients need to cut back their consumption of cheese
Photo Credit: iStock

3. Chocolate:

Various ingredients in chocolates are deemed to be triggers for headaches and migraines. It contains phenylethylamine, which may alter blood flow in the brain. This causes release of certain chemicals which can cause migraine. Some chocolates also contain caffeine, which is another leading trigger food item.

Various ingredients in chocolates are deemed to be triggers for headaches and migraines
Photo Credit: iStock


4. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG):

MSG is a food additive which is used to enhance the taste of foods. It is mostly found in canned, frozen or processed food items. It is said to contract and narrow the blood vessels which restricts the smooth flow of blood. The adverse effect in blood flow further leads to a migraine attack.

5. Caffeine:

Caffeine and caffeine induced food items are the leading triggers of migraines and acute headaches. The intake of caffeine affects central nervous system and blood vessels of the brain. It gives a sudden boost of energy and can also induce insomnia. It enlarges the blood vessels which lead to a sudden flow of blood. It acts as a strong aid to severe migraine pain. One should avoid caffeine if suffering from migraine attacks or recurrent headaches.

Caffeine and caffeine induced food items are the leading triggers of migraines

Also read: 5 Tricks To Make Your Morning Coffee Healthier

Migraines can be triggered by several food items. Different migraine patients react differently to different foods. To avoid giving rise to a migraine attack or a headache, one must not consume food items which lead to the attack. People can keep a journal or make a list of certain food items which cause them distress in the form of migraine, which will further help them to avoid those foods in the future.

Also read: It's Only A Headache? Sometimes, It's More Than That

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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