Will Rh incompatibility affect my pregnancy?
Q: I am a 27 years old female with a blood group of O – negative. My boyfriend’s group is O – positive. Will it affect my pregnancy? If yes, what precautions should be taken?
A:Well, in your case since the ABO group is the same – ‘O’, one is concerned about Rh incompatibility since you are negative and your boyfriend is positive. Rh group of antigens is a dominant group and usually manifests in the developing fetus. The first pregnancy is usually unaffected however, if there is a significant transplacental bleed from fetus to the mother, the mother gets sensitised, who in turn produces antibodies against Rh antigen. The next pregnancy is usually affected and the fetus can be harmed, sometimes fatally. However, one does not need to get alarmed by this, since now-a-days anti-Rh antibody is available which is used to care of such a situation. In any case anti-Rh antibody will be given to you during pregnancy and at birth of the child to prevent any sensitisation. You will however, need to be in touch with your obstetrician for advice and any eventuality.
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