What should I do to express myself freely among friends?
Q: I am 22 years old, final year B. tech student. I can't mingle with friends freely. This depresses me a lot. I have very few friends, but even they make fun of me when I talk. I cant speak effectively and confidently or use proper words while expressing. I myself don't understand why am I talking? What am I talking about? I can't concentrate in my college campus selections. I have an excellent track record of academics and I am good looking as well. I need attention among friends when I talk and want them to notice me. I am depressed whether I am suitable for a social life? I want to enjoy relations. Please help.
A:It is great that despite these difficulties you are able to recognise your strengths. Focus on what you can do well and this will help you build your confidence. It seems as though you suffer from anxiety and this interferes in your social interactions. Take a friend into confidence and tell him/her about your difficulties. Request your friend to be supportive of you when you are in a group. Start by interacting in small groups and with people you are more comfortable with. Speak little at first and when you gain more confidence you can increase your interactions. In case you are unable to overcome this problem, please consult a psychologist who can help you to cope with these anxieties better. Good luck.