Spotting in early pregnancy?
Q: This is with regard to pregnancy. My LMP is Sept 5th but I'm doubting pregnancy. I went to my doctor and got a scan done. The reports say uterus shows gestation sac 4.6 mm; no evident fetal heart; Right ovary - PCOS Since last Thursday (Oct 24th) I have been having a reddish brown discharge. The discharge is very less, sometimes just 1 or 2 drops of blood. I've been asked to take complete bed rest. I would like to know if there is cause for worry. What should I do? Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks. Ritu
A:Since you have PCOS you must wait and have a rescan done after 2 weeks again as you may have conceived late during the cycle and all could be normal. If still the fetal heart activity is not there, then possily you have had a missed abortion and can go for D & C.
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