Should I accept my friend's proposal?
Q: I am 25 years old and an engineer by profession. A girl is in love with me who is almost 10 years younger to me. We know each other from the past 3 years as my family is closely attached to her family. Also I love her very much and always take care of her. But I didn't expect this kind of a proposal from her side and now I am in a great dilemma to accept or reject it. If I reject her proposal, I can't even imagine my life without her. The only problem is the age difference between us. Will her/my parents agree to this relationship? Is this age gap between the partners medically alright? Please advise me in this regard, I am very disturbed and can't even concentrate on my work because of the fear of losing her forever. Kindly suggest the best solution.
A:Based on the information that you have provided, this girl is around 15 years old and may not be at a stage in life where she can make serious decisions that can effect her future. In making a decision you should also keep her interest in mind. The solution may not be extreme, you could consider putting this off for some years till she has matured. Also, since you are both undergoing different phases in life your outlook towards problems and consequences of actions will be different, this difference in perspective could also continue to be a problem in the years to come.