How to treat dental cavities and bleeding gums?
Q: I am a 24 years house wife. I married 4 years back and have a 3 year old baby. A few years back I was suffering from some dental problem. There was a black spot on the head of the tooth which later began to deepen. I went to a dentist who filled the tooth. After 10 to 12 months the filling is broken and now 4 more teeth are affected. Already 4 teeth have been removed. Now I want a parmanent solution to the problem. Is there an eminent doctor in Kolkata who can tackle all dental problems? Please advise and intimate the address.
A:Lot of cavities. You are probably having this problem due to your recent pregnancy in which a lady may have swolen and bleeding gums due to hormonal changes and bad oral hygiene. This can lead to multiple cavities. You must get a proper gum cleaning done and get all cavities filled. Brush twice a day and rinse properly after every meal.