How to manage migraine during pregnancy?
Q: My wife is pregnant (2 months) and the problem with her is that she is having excessive headache (?migraine), because when she gets pain, it is very severe. She wants to have some medicine and I request you to tell me the medicine she should take while having headache during pregnancy. I feel she should take less drugs at this time. Presently she is taking Crocin or Metacin, and I am not allowing her Disprin.
A:First three months of pregnancy is a crucial phase in the development of the baby and all drugs need to be avoided except essential supplements such as folic acid. For migraine pain, Crocin (paracetamol) is permitted. If relief is not adequate one can use a combination of paracetamol with codeine (sold under the trade name of Zimalgin). No other pain-killer should be used. Foods such as chocolates and cheese should be avoided since they can trigger an attack. For migraine accompanied by vomiting only Doxylamine (sold under the brand name of Doxinate) is permitted along with permitted pain-killers mentioned above.