How to correct a misaligned jawline due to large teeth?
Q: I am 14 years old. My front two teeth are very large. They are so large that have left no space for the canines. So the canines have erupted from a point 3mm above the normal position. My jaws are also not aligned to my midline i.e. my upper jaw being towards the right. The shape of my face is perfect without any protrusion. My orthodontist has advised that a premolar should be removed to make space for the canines to bring the alignment of the jaw in the midline. Will it affect the shape of my face?
A:The problem faced by you is quite common and what has been suggested by your orthodontist seems quite alright since not only it will create space for your erupting canine but also the shift in the midline can be managed. Your front teeth only appear to be large since your face is yet to grow and teeth will remain same size and this disparity is only an illusion as it seems.