How to cope with negative feelings?
Q: I am a civil engineer by qualification. I have been trying to get into the IT sector for the last 3 years but nothing has worked out as I have a diploma in engineering. I also have a lot of family problems - my mom is a kidney patient and sister is schizophrenic. Moreover, we have a lot of problems coming up one after other in our house which I think have effected me lot as I am a negative man and cant take decisions. These days I am feeling down. My thinking has become quite negative and my diet is also reduced and I am losing weight. I got a lot opportunities but now I cant make use of them as I have lost confidence in myself. I think I have lost the software touch and don't know what I should do I as I am standing in a 'no where' position. I think of leaving everything and doing something different as I don't have same passion for software any longer. But I don't know what to do. Can you help me sir please?
A:I do understand how you feel let down from many angles, and things just don't seem to be working out well at all. It does also seem that you have medical and other problems in the family and career aspects which are beyond your control. Anyone is likely to feel dejected and hopeless in such circumstances, but at the same time there are many people who do have similar problems or difficulties but do manage to overcome them and sort out the troublesome phase of life which they are passing through. In your case, besides your awareness of the problems and what they are doing to you, the biggest ray of hope is that you are keen to help yourself and sort things out. If it has not been possible to do so by oneself, or with help from friends etc, and one is continuing to have difficulties in the psychological functioning, it is good to consider seeking professional help. It does seem that you have symptoms of what we call as clinical depression, and you may be surprised at how medicines and psychological care can help.