How can I maintain good dental health?
Q: I have a tooth decay problem. My calcium level goes down, which leads to brittle teeth. Due to this I have lost 5 molars and had to get them removed. Other remaining teeth i.e. molars (all), bicuspid (1) and cuspid (1) need a root canal treatment. I am concerned about the food and nutrition intake. As during this time, I have restrictions for taking food due to pain. How should I keep my nutrition and calcium levels up to avoid future problems?
A:Fluctuating calcium level really does not affect teeth once these are calcified during their formative period. Your decay problem obviously is due to other factors, which needs to be evaluated. Patients prone to decay need to be very proactive and require regular check ups as well as preventive treatment. Your dentist should be able to help you much in this. Meanwhile have a healthy balanced diet and avoid soft, sticky, sugary, decay causing foodstuff. Fibrous foodstuff has a cleansing action on teeth and gums. Consult a nutrition specialist to plan a diet for you.