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Eyes - surgery for squint
Q: My nephew is 8 yrs old, up to the age of 3 he was normal but then he had put on glasses of -5D. Moreover when he is in tension he shows signs of squint. But when normal his eyes seems perfect. We consulted some doctors they have suggested to get it operated. Kindly suggest at what age we should go in for the operation? Will he be ok then and cost?
A:Your nephew has a glass power of -5D and these glasses should be worn through out the day. If he takes off the glasses, then a squint may appear, some squints are accomodative i.e. only a glass correction is enough to treat them. If however the squint has a non-accomodative element, then a surgery may be required and should be done as early as possible. The cost may vary from place to place.
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